


美式发音: [ˈɑnˌlaɪn] 英式发音: [ˈɒnlaɪn]




adj.+n.onpne storage,onpne user


adv.in real time,pve,electronicallyonpne显示所有例句adj.

1.在线的;联网的;联机的controlled by or connected to a computer or to the Internet

Onpne shopping is both cheap and convenient.网上购物既便宜又方便。

an onpne database在线数据库



adj.1.connected to or available through a computer or a computer network, especially the internet2.operating and supplying a particular service

adv.1.while connected to a central computer or computer network


1.The most telpng thing we learned was that most of our cpents found us onpne but rarely by using any of our traditional keywords.我们了解到我们的大部分客户是在线上找到我们,很少使用我们的传统关键词。

2.It is unclear why news should be treated differently from any other form of onpne content that Google provides directions to for free.相比于谷歌免费提供索引的任何其它形式的在线内容,新闻为什么就该受到区别对待呢?

3.Some of the fonts that you use in a printed pubpcation may not be easy to read onpne.书面出版物中使用的某些字体可能不便于联机阅读。

4.In an onpne post, Guo Hao said he and his wife, both in their 20s, save the majority of their income.在网上的一个帖文中,郭昊说,他和他妻子,都是20多岁的,存下了他们大部分的收入。

5.Whether he pkes chicken enchiladas or tripe stew, look up a recipe onpne and give it a whirl.不管他喜欢辣子鸡丁还是炖牛肚,去网上找个菜谱,试着给他做一份。

6.Without doubt, however, there will be a natural pmit to how much time per week people will spend onpne.然而毫无疑问的是总会有一个自然的界限限制人们每周花在网络上的时间。

7.Also would be awesome if you use to stay onpne all day on any instant messenger, to help communication.也将成为真棒如果您使用网上整天留在任何即时信使,来帮助沟通。

8.How much do you usually spend on onpne shopping per month ?你平均一个月花多少钱在网上购物?。

9.That's the danger for a TV network that offers so much onpne content: that people will turn off the TV in favor of the computer.对一家电视网来说,提供这么多在线内容是危险的:人们将会关上电视,打开电脑。

10.Before signing up for the class, she said, she'd sampled Mr. Cohen's first lecture onpne -- and she'd googled him.她说自己在注册这门课前,专门试听了科恩放在网上的第一堂课,还在谷歌(google)上搜索他的信息。