




1.阿兹卡班 三把扫帚 The Three Broomsticks 阿兹卡班 Azkaban 女贞街 Privit ...

2.阿兹卡班监狱 ... Butterbeer 黄油啤酒 Azkaban 阿兹卡班巫师监狱 Gringotts 古灵阁 ...

4.出逃 ... 买家:蓬唯 banhvee 2013-05-20 买家:出逃 azkaban 2013-05-19 买家:王叨叨 wf 2013-05-19 ...


1.Sirius was framed for the deaths of the Potters and sent off to Azkaban. There was no trial.小天狼星被认定是杀死波特夫妇的凶手,没有经过审判就直接被送往阿兹卡班。

2.He saved Harry's skin in "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, " and now Padfoot is in need of his own savior.在《哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》中,他饰演“大脚板”,曾救小哈利于水深火热之中。如今,他急需找到自己的大救星。

3.Of course, the Prophet might give you rather a lot for an insider's account of pfe in Azkaban. . .当然,《预言家日报》也许会出很多钱请你从内部写一写阿兹卡班的生活……

4.i thought dementors guard the prisoners in azkaban , " he said cautiously" .“我以为摄魂怪们正在守卫阿兹卡班。”他慎重地说。

5.You know how my poor father sought revenge, and paid the price, died in Azkaban.你知道我可怜的父亲为了给她报仇,结果付出了代价,惨死在阿兹卡班。

6.As a favor to his dying wife, Crouch Sr. smuggled his son out of Azkaban.克劳奇先生偷偷把他的儿子作为将要死去的妻子带出了阿兹卡班。

7.Avada Kedavra is one of the three Unforgivable Curses and its use against another human being is punishable by a pfe sentence in Azkaban.阿瓦达索命是三条无法原谅的咒语之一,使用此咒来对付人类会被处以无期徒刑而关入阿兹卡班。

8.Let me get this straight. Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban to come after you?让我开门见山吧。小天狼星布莱克从阿兹卡班逃走了,他想来找你?

9.Sirius did not have to pass through Little Whinging to get from Azkaban to Hogwarts; he just wanted to.小天狼星从阿兹卡班到霍格沃茨的路并不经过小惠金区,他只是想去那里。

10.Karkaroff's betrayal of Rookwood appears to have been crucial to Karkaroff's success in staying out of Azkaban (GF30).卡卡洛夫对卢克伍德的背叛似乎成了他被放出阿兹卡班的决定性条件(火焰杯,第30章)。