



美式发音: [ˈpoʊstər] 英式发音: [ˈpəʊstə(r)]



复数:posters  搭配同义词

v.+n.paste poster




n.1.a printed picture that you put on a wall, often a reproduction of a photograph or artwork, used for decoration or advertisement2.somebody who posts a message to an onpne or internet address

1.海报 ※ Canopies 帐篷 ※ Posters 海报 ※ Events 事件 ...

2.招贴 慈善行为 philanthropy 招贴 posters 传媒炒作 press agentry ...

3.宣传画 - SCULPTURE - 雕塑 - POSTERS - 宣传画 - PHOTOGRAPHS - 图片 ...


5.海报类 ... 眼罩类【 eyeshades】 海报类posters】 毛绒公仔类【 plush】 ...

6.海报设计 ... 毛灼然 Javin Mo 海报设计;平面设计;产品设计 posters;product design;graphic design 林伟雄 Hu…

7.海报典藏 ... 电影公司列传 Film Studio 海报典藏 Posters 封 面故事 Cover Story ...

8.分色工具 Pickup( 电磁干扰效果,少见) Posters分色工具,不错) Solar( 褪色效果, …


1.In London, protesters held posters with Ashtiani's pkeness while a speaker criticized Iran's treatment of her.在伦敦,示威者握了阿什蒂亚尼的肖像海报,一名发言者批评伊朗对她的处理。

2.This took place a year ago, and the long shadow of the law hung over the posters until the club's lawyers dropped the case last week.法官是1年前作出这个决定的,(一年来)长期笼罩在这几个发贴人上空的法律阴霾直到上周才因俱乐部的律师撤诉而烟消云散。

3.Water-based UV ink in Europe have long been used for screen printing and color large format posters of road signs.在欧洲水基UV墨早就用于网印彩色大幅面路牌和宣传画。

4.Content for websites and posters should be laid out in such a way that the viewer can find what they need without much thought.网站和海报的内容应该这样布置,使观看者不用思考就能找到他们需要的。

5.For example posters that show what can be recycled in school and explain how much carbon this can save.比如,海报显示出学校里有什么东西能被循环再用并且解释从中能节省多少碳。

6.The local council hasn't helped by making her the face of Hackney, and putting big posters of her up in the streets, even on dust bins.地方理事会认为她为Hackney增添了脸面,并把她的大海报贴在街上,甚至是垃圾桶上。

7.He gave her some advice, and told her that she should add a note to the posters, "My teacher will be there and will play the last piece. "他给了她一些建议并告诉她应该在海报上添一条:“我的老师将会亲临现场,并演奏最后一曲”。

8.If one of these conditions is not met, the submit operation is turned into a preview, giving human posters another chance to submit.如果这些条件中任何一个不能满足,提交操作变为预览,给人一次机会来提交帖子。

9."I'm Mad as Hell" , he later screamed in the title of his autobiography. Some posters showed him with a raised fist.“如鬼而疯”,这是他后来自传的书名。

10.Pretty soon, we may even pve up to the bragging motto I made up for our posters and Web site: 'Beijing's premier blues and jam band. '不久之后,我们可能真的能实现我在海报和网站上放出的豪言壮语:“北京一流的蓝调和爵士乐队”。