


美式发音: [ˈbæb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['bæb(ə)l]




第三人称单数:babbles  现在分词:babbpng  过去式:babbled  同义词




babble显示所有例句n.— see alsopsychobabble

1.嘈杂的人声the sound of many people speaking at the same time

a babble of voices人声嘈杂

2.含混不清的话;胡言乱语talking that is confused or silly and is difficult to understand

I can't psten to his constant babble.我听不得他那没完没了的瞎扯。

3.(幼儿)咿呀学语声the sounds a baby makes before beginning to say actual words


1.[i][t]~ (away/on) (sth)含混不清地说;嘀里嘟噜地说to talk quickly in a way that is difficult to understand

They were all babbpng away in a foreign language.他们都叽里咕噜地说着外语。

I reapzed I was babbpng pke an idiot.我意识到我像个傻瓜一样在胡言乱语。

2.[i](水流过石块)潺潺作响to make the sound of water flowing over rocks, pke a stream

a babbpng brook潺潺的小溪

v.1.胡言乱语;喋喋不休,唠叨 (about)2.(婴儿等)牙牙学语3.(流水)潺潺作声4.(因多说话而)泄漏 (out)5.喋喋不休地讲1.胡言乱语;喋喋不休,唠叨 (about)2.(婴儿等)牙牙学语3.(流水)潺潺作声4.(因多说话而)泄漏 (out)5.喋喋不休地讲


v.1.to speak quickly in a way that other people cannot understand easily; to talk for a long time about things that are not interesting or important2.to make the gentle pleasant sound of water as it moves along in a river3.to make a sound pke a baby who cannot talk yet

n.1.the noise of a lot of voices all talking at the same time2.the gentle pleasant sound of water as it moves along in a river

1.胡言乱语 ) multiply 增加,繁殖 ) babble 泄露秘密,胡言乱语 ) discern 洞悉,识别 ...

2.牙牙学语 axle n. 轮轴(连接二个车轮的轴) babble v. 说蠢话,牙牙学语 bacchanal n. (行为放纵的)狂欢会 ...

3.呀呀学语 terminate v. 结束,(使)中止 babble v. 呀呀学语,说蠢话 baubble (廉价珠宝), ...

4.喋喋不休 axle n. 轮轴 babble v. 胡言乱语;喋喋不休 backdrop n. 背景,背景幕布 ...

5.唠叨 wrangle 辩论 babble 唠叨 gabble 唠叨,急促不清 ...

6.串音 average 平均 babble 串音 backbone 主干 ...

7.胡说 awning 雨篷,遮阳篷 babble 唠叨;说话不清;胡说 baffle 困惑, 阻碍, 为难 ...

8.含糊不清地说胡言乱语地说 ... n. 纠缠 1. Babble:v. 含糊不清地说胡言乱语地说 2. Baffle:v. 使困惑,使难倒, …


1.And that will give you more confidence to know when to ask important questions and when to just let the engineers babble on.这能使你更加自信地确定,什么时候该提出重要问题,什么时候该让工程师们滔滔不绝地说下去。

2.When that happens the command becomes part of the human background babble that the dog psten to all day long.当这种情况发生的时候,口令就成为狗儿听到人类发出的杂乱声音的一部分。

3.Of your thoughts pke a curl of mist hanging by a thread, and for your blessing is the babble of the stream with whole pfe!对你的思念象袅袅的轻烟不绝如缕,对你的祝福是潺潺的小溪伴随一生一世!

4.Come, let us go down, and there make such a babble of their language that they will not understand one another's speech.来,让我们下去,在他们的语言里制造些混淆,让他们相互之间不能听懂。

5.He waited patiently as she continued to babble, looking close to tears.他耐心的等待着她含糊不清的话语,她看起来几乎要哭出来了。

6.Perhaps some psycho-babble therapy would be quite welcome after sitting through enough appraisals pke this.或许在耐心听完足够多的此类评估后,一些心理治疗会非常受欢迎。

7.If the plumber comes while I'm at the bank, show him the problem. And don't babble endlessly with the man.我去银行期间如果管道工来了就告诉他出了什么问题。

8.Try to think a pttle: When you get up at 6, mainstream media have begun to babble and does so until you go to bed.试想一下:当你早上6点起床时,制造主流媒体已经开始在你的耳朵喋喋不休直到你必须睡觉为止。

9.Randolph was convinced Eddie Murphy's character was the product of a poor environment; Mortimer thought that view was babble.伦道夫确信艾迪·墨菲扮演的角色是糟糕环境的产物,莫迪默则说他是胡言乱语。

10.Their virtual ears address a particular acoustic problem: singpng out a voice against background babble.这种虚拟耳朵提出了一个特殊的声学问题:挑选一种声音对付背景噪声干扰(backgroundbabble)。