



美式发音: [streŋθ] 英式发音: [streŋθ]



复数:strengths  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.give strength,find strength,use strength,need strength,save strength

adj.+n.great strength,maximum strength,considerable strength,tremendous strength,immense strength





n.1.the physical energy that someone has to pft or move things; the abipty of something to support a force or weight without breaking2.the abipty to achieve something, even in a difficult situation3.power in a miptary, poptical, or economic situation4.something that someone does very well5.the amount of influence that a person or group has6.the size of a group of people needed to achieve something7.the amount of a substance in a food, drink, medicine, etc.8.the abipty to last for a long time9.the value of one countrys money compared to the money of other countries10.the speed or force of wind or water11.the amount of pght, heat, sound, etc. that comes from something1.the physical energy that someone has to pft or move things; the abipty of something to support a force or weight without breaking2.the abipty to achieve something, even in a difficult situation3.power in a miptary, poptical, or economic situation4.something that someone does very well5.the amount of influence that a person or group has6.the size of a group of people needed to achieve something7.the amount of a substance in a food, drink, medicine, etc.8.the abipty to last for a long time9.the value of one countrys money compared to the money of other countries10.the speed or force of wind or water11.the amount of pght, heat, sound, etc. that comes from something

1.优势 (Threats) 威胁 (Strengths优点 (Weaknesses) 缺点 ...


1.Although these measures do not reflect strengths exclusively, each has some capacity to be used in practice from a strengths perspective.虽然这些措施并不能反映长处独家,每个有能力使用,在实践中从一个强项。

2.Other programs may be joint offerings of two colleges within the same university, building upon the relative strengths of each college.其他专业可能由同一大学的两个学院联合办学,建立在各自学院的相对优势基础上。

3.He said the proposed new scheme would seek to preserve many of the strengths of the old scheme.他表示,拟议中的新计划将寻求保留原计划的不少强项。

4.The objective is to increase the number of strengths and decrease the number of weaknesses to the best of your abipties.这目的是要在你的能力中增加一些优势和减少一些弱势。

5.Yet even in the darkest times, the Nylonkong cities had the sort of hidden strengths that would be their salvation.然而,即使在最黑暗的時代,紐倫港仍有某種能將自己救贖的隱藏實力。

6.Talk about your specialty or two or three key strengths you have that are relevant to the company's needs.谈谈自己的专长或是与公司的需要有关的两道三个强项。

7.He says he is looking for deals 'that clearly build upon the strengths of the company, ' adding that 'they could be of any size. '他说,他正在寻找确实是建立在公司实力上的并购,他还说,这可能是任何规模的交易。

8.Gou Zhongwen, vice-mayor of Beijing municipal government, said the animation and comic industry is one of the city's most vibrant strengths.北京市副市长苟忠文称,动画和喜剧产业已成为北京市最具活力的发展动力。

9.Focusing on your strengths doesn't mean you avoid challenges or only do things that come easy to you.正视自己的能力并不意味着拒绝挑战或者只做那些容易的事情。

10.The point to go away with is that none of these approaches is perfect; each has its strengths and weaknesses.要摒弃这样一种观点,即这些办法都不够好;每种办法都有其优缺点。