


美式发音: [ˈbeɪbiˌsɪtər] 英式发音: [ˈbeɪbiˌsɪtə(r)]



复数:babysitters  同义词

n.child minder,minder,carer,sitter


babysitter显示所有例句n.— see alsochildminder

1.临时保姆;代人临时照看小孩的人a person who takes care of babies or children while their parents are away from home and is usually paid to do this

I can't find a babysitter for tonight.我找不到人今天晚上帮我看小孩。


n.1.someone you pay to come to your house and take care of your children while you are not there, especially in the evening2.someone whose job is to take care of other peoples children while they are at work. The British word is childminder

1.保姆 a variety of 各种各样的 babysitter 临时保姆 go camping 去野营 ...


4.临时照顾幼儿者 au pair-- 换工住宿的女孩 babysitter-- 临时照顾幼儿者 caretaker-- 看管者 ...

5.临时照料孩子者 babe - n. 美人,女友,男友 babysitter - n. (家长外出时)临时照料孩子者 beaver - n. 阴道,阴 …

6.幼儿看护 Waiter/Waitress 服务员 Babysitter 幼儿看护 Retail Salesperson 零售员 ...

7.褓姆 term: 措词 babysitter: 褓姆 need: 需求 ...

8.代人照看孩子者 Z:Zoologist( 动物学家) B:Babysitter( 代人照看孩子者) E:Engineer( 工程师) ...


1.Keep the relationship apve by getting a babysitter (maybe once a week) and doing something together, just the two of you.用雇佣保姆的方式(可以每周一次)保持夫妻关系的活力,一起去做一些事情,当然只有你们俩人。

2.I woke up before the sun rose this morning. Today I would be a babysitter! I thought about it all day at school.今天早上太阳升起之前我就醒了。今天我要当临时保姆。在学校我一整天都在考虑这件事。

3.Fred: I'm an angel not a wizard. And between you and me it's just a fancy term for "babysitter" .弗雷德:我是天使,不是巫师。我和你之间的关系,只不过是梦幻版的“保姆与孩子”这样的关系。

4.The robot babysitter even has a cell phone to call a parent when the child asks for his mother.这个照看小孩的机器人甚至还装有移动电话,当孩子找妈妈时,可以用它打电话给父母。

5."I'm gonna sleep for one more hour. You take Jon to the babysitter's. " I close my eyes and beginning to feel Morpheus touching my hair.“我再睡一个钟头。你带乔恩去保姆那。”我合上眼,睡神已经来抚摸我的头发了。

6.After he took his wife to work, he dropped the kids off with a babysitter who took them to school, because he had to be at work by seven.他送妻子上班之后,再把孩子们放到一个保姆那里,由保姆送孩子们去学校。因为他必须在7点上班。

7.But they love one another, and all they really want is to hire a babysitter and enjoy a nice night out on the town.但他们都爱着对方,只想雇一名保姆,然后离家到城里享受一晚属于二人的美好时光。

8.Sharon was reluctant to leave the children alone with the babysitter , but she had no other choice.莎伦不愿意让临时保姆给自己看孩子,但她只能这样做。

9.Xu mother think to her to do wrong, the pick of the set is not, but let a pttle babysitter drill empty air.徐母觉得到她做错了,非挑一鸣的不是,却让一个小保姆钻了个空。

10.That year , we seemed to be so rich that we'd rather become the babysitter of our lovers than buy a cheapest pearl necklace for my mum.那一年我们好像很有钱,成为自己情侣吃穿的保姆,回家的时候却不能给妈妈买一条最便宜的珍珠项链。