




1.黄金矿工 ② 水晶天途( Crystal Path) ③ 黄金矿工Gold Miner) ④ 宝石秘踪( Jewel Q…

2.淘金者 Super Cow 超级奶牛 Gold Miner 淘金者 中文版 Super Granny 6 超级外婆6 ...

3.挖金矿挖金矿 (gold miner)有破解完整版的吗?我下载了是60分钟试玩的耶.有办法弄到破解的给我吗>.谢谢了 你好..我下载了sall's spa …


1.That's the equivalent of every ounce of gold dug up by every gold miner in the world for the next five years.这相当于全球所有黄金开采商未来五年的全部黄金产量。

2.Mr Reid's father was a hard-drinking gold miner. His mother took in laundry for the bordellos.里德之父是金矿旷工,他嗜酒如命,其母则为妓院洗衣服赚钱。

3.Over the next two decades he was a printer, a riverboat pilot, a soldier, a gold miner, a businessman and a newspaper reporter.在这之后的40年里,他当过印刷工、领航员、士兵、矿工、商人、还当过新闻记者。

4.A gold miner smiles as he cpmbs down into a mine shaft in Manica Province, Mozambique.马尼卡省,一名淘金工人在他爬下进入到矿井时微笑着,莫桑比克。

5.the country's biggest gold miner but one with a less-than-shiny environmental record recently.该公司经营中国国内最大的金矿,不过最近其在环保方面的记录却不太光彩。

6.Barely a day goes by without news on China shopping abroad. A South African gold miner here; Angolan oil assets there.几乎每一天都有中国在海外投资的消息:今天是南非的金矿,明天又是安哥拉的石油资产。

7.Game Logo Gold Miner is back and he's better than ever!黄金矿工是背部和他的比以往更好!

8.First a gold miner put dirt in a metal pan and added water.首先,一个矿工把带泥土的金子放在金属锅里加入水。

9.Barrick Gold, the largest gold miner, said prices could 'easily' top $1, 500 next year.全球最大的金矿生产商BarrickGold说金价明年将“轻松”突破1,500美元。

10.Being an all-cash deal, this is technically true and it is an important assurance for owners of the world's largest gold miner.由于这笔交易为全现金交易,所以这样说在技术上是成立的,也给这家全球最大黄金矿商的股东吃了颗重要的定心丸。