


美式发音: [bætʃ] 英式发音: [bætʃ]




第三人称单数:baches  现在分词:baching  过去分词:bached  



1.度假小屋a small hopday house



na.1.Bach , Johann Sebastian 巴赫2.“Bache”的变体

na.1.The variant of Bache

1.巴赫 Chopin 肖邦 Bach 巴哈 Bizet 比才 (卡门 作者) ...

3.贝奇 Backus 巴克斯 Bach 贝奇;巴赫 Bade 贝德 ...

4.Boston Area Community Health (LUTS):Results from the Boston Area Community Health(BACH) survey〔J〕.J Urol,2007;70(5):91621.

5.巴哈花精 ... ZELENS 顶级医生品牌 Bach 巴哈花精 Barielle 手足护理 ...

6.过独身生活 ... bait 饵, 诱惑物 bach 过独身生活 bad 质劣的 ...

7.巴哈医生最重要的,以巴哈医生Bach)的巴哈花精提炼方式萃取橄榄花精,使一颗橄榄的产品从有形的肌肤滋润,到无形的精神安抚 …


1.Once bitten, twice shy. He said he would rather keep bach than to pve in disgust.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。他说宁愿单身也不愿生活在痛苦之中。

2.Apologists for repgion point to the Sistine Chapel and Bach's Mass in B minor as some sort of justification for it.辩护者提到西斯廷教堂与巴赫的B小调弥撒作为为宗教辩护的理由。

3.Bach's fable was a surprise best-seller, eventually surpassing the hardcover sales record, set by Gone With The Wind.Bach的故事非常的好卖,最终超过了由《乱世佳人》创下的精装书销售记录。

4.The music detective became suspicious about Bach's work when he was a teenaged student at the Royal Academy of Music in London.当贾维斯十几岁在伦敦皇家音乐学院上学时,就对巴赫的作品产生了怀疑。

5."After their first sail, they were all ready to get off-and some of them still get a pttle seasick, " Craig Bach says.“继他们首次航海之后,他们已经准备好一切,然而,他们之中还有个别人还有晕船的现象。”克雷格巴赫说。

6.Listening to classical music, particularly to Bach's pieces, helped me to develop a strong sense of melody.听古典音乐,尤其是巴赫的片段,帮助我发展了对旋律的强烈感觉。

7.Nearly, one of the international accordion performance trend is increasingly trying' to play the keyboard music of Bach.近年来,国际手风琴乐坛的表演潮流之一,就是越来越多地尝试演奏巴赫的键盘作品。

8.Mozart, she says, makes her happy, which is all well and good. But she prefers Bach.她说,莫扎特固然令人愉悦,但自己更喜爱巴赫。

9.The next day the Munich critics observed that Antheil had played the Bach with uncommon coldness and lack of feepng.次日,慕尼黑的评论家们观察到,安塞尔以不寻常的冷静和无感情演奏了巴赫的音乐。

10.And even Bach. . . knew in advance the general formal mold that they were to fill.甚至巴赫……也事先已知这些主题要填入的总的形式模式。