



美式发音: [ʃɑrd] 英式发音: [ʃɑː(r)d]



复数:shards  同义词




n.1.a sharp piece of broken glass, metal, or other hard substance

1.碎片 ... 除了产出铜矿的地图都有较高几率挖出. Garden of Hell. 怪物碎片 SHARDS 黑暗碎片 Shard of Darkness…

3.碎片图片 国际象棋图片 chess 碎片图片 shards 1 损坏图片 waste 1 ...

4.上就是分片 加黄金: + gold# 加龙晶: + shards# 加等级: + level# ...

6.减龙晶 ... 减黄金:- gold # 减龙晶:- shards # 减选取的步队等级:- level # ...


1.It is often desirable to redistribute the data across the shards.通常理想的解决方案是跨多个碎片重新分布数据。

2.Archaeologists also found a gatehouse and a royal building with a large amount of pottery shards at the ground floor.考古学家还在附近发现了一间门房和一座皇家宫殿,并在这座皇家宫殿的第一层发现了大量陶器碎片。

3.All the guests was looking at the box, inside of which turned out to be just some shards, but each of them was packed separately.所有客人都看着这个盒子,拆开一看,是些碎花瓶片,但每一块碎片都是分开包装好的。

4.From around the southern pole, nomads are now converging on these shards of rock, known as the Falklands.南极被称为福克兰群岛的地方,牧民们正在收集这些碎片。

5.These physical databases that store a subset of an entire dataset are referred to as partitions, shards, or spces.存储了整个数据集的子集的这些物理数据库被称为是分区、碎片或片。

6.This allows the definition of many virtual shards, which can map to just two or three physical shards.这将允许我们定义多个虚拟碎片,将其映射到两三个物理碎片。

7.The sky loomed pke a grey curtain of fog, dropping a few cold shards upon my face.天空低垂如灰色雾幕,落下一些寒冷的碎屑到我脸上。

8.Your shard strategy should, however, incorporate some means of distributing data evenly among all of your shards.但是,您的切分策略应该包含将数据均匀分布至所有切分的方法。

9.After scrubbing the shower floor so I could wash the shards out of my hair, and cutting my hand, the new bulb burnt out instantly.我把浴室地板清理完,忍着手上的疼痛把头发里的碎片洗干净之后,灯泡又坏了。

10.They watched as the train smashed into the Grand Am, crushing it into half its original size and sending metal shards flying.他们看着火车压过汽车,将它压成两半,金属碎片飞起来。