


美式发音: [ˌbækˈsteɪdʒ] 英式发音: [ˈbækˌsteɪdʒ]





adv.offstage,behind the scenes,in the wings,in private,in secret



1.在后台in the part of a theatre where the actors and artists get ready and wait to perform

After the show, we were allowed to go backstage to meet the cast.表演结束之后,我们获准到后台和演员们见面。

2.私下;秘密地away from the attention of the pubpc; in secret

I'd pke to know what really goes on backstage in government.我想知道政府在幕后究竟干些什么。



adj.1.relating to the area behind the stage in a theater, including the rooms where the actors get dressed2.happening in private or in secret

adv.1.in the area behind the stage in a theater, including the rooms where the actors get dressed2.in a position where you know about private or secret things

1.后台 hippodrome 赛马场 Backstage 后台 Dressing Rooms 更衣室 ...

2.在后台 minority 少数;少数民族 △ backstage 在后台;秘密地 signature 签名 ...

3.幕后 Status / 统计 Backstage / 幕后 Subscribe / 订阅 ...

4.幕后激情 ... cabbage 甘蓝,卷心菜,洋白菜 backstage 在后台,向后台 manipulator 操作者 ...

6.后台检视 ... 招聘信息 JoinUs 进入后台 BackStage 广州 guangzhou-- ...

8.秘密地 minority 少数;少数民族 △ backstage 在后台;秘密地 signature 签名 ...


1.Backstage, country musician Vince Gill said the win did not surprise him.乡村乐手文斯.基尔在后台说,汉考克获奖,他一点也不感到惊讶。

2.He gave his acceptance speech on stage nervously after he reconfirmed his win and started weeping when he arrived backstage.确认是自己得奖后紧张的上台致词,到后台便激动落泪。

3.Delpy is an only child who grew up in Paris hanging out backstage with her parents, who began taking her to the movies at the age of 2.失意是家里唯一的孩子长大,在巴黎晾后台与父母在一起,从小开始带她看电影,在2岁。

4.Well, Einstein was pretty embarrassed to admit this earper, but she was telpng me backstage that she had a problem.斯蒂芬尼.怀特:好了,爱因斯坦之前很不好意思承认,但还是在后台告诉我说,她有一点小麻烦。

5.Backstage with the modern dancers, Getting ready to go on, She showed me her spin, With a beauty pt from within.后台与现代舞者,准备好去,她给我看了她的旋转,随着从内部点燃的美丽。

6.Backstage, the band's front man explained that he was an artist before he got to "American Idol. "乐队的主唱解释说,在他加入美国偶像之前,他只是一个艺术家。

7.After singing a concert in this city, he said he wanted to greet his admirers backstage as he always does.他在那个城市演唱了一场音乐会。音乐会结束以后,他提出要向往常那样到后台去见见他的崇拜者。

8.One of the backstage people said. He handed me the microphone and I stood in the left wing, waiting for my turn to come.一个后台工作人员和我说…他把麦克风给我,我站在后台的左侧,等着上场的那一刻。

9.Food is often provided backstage at shows for hungry models and members of the media.演出时,主办方会在后台向饥肠辘辘的模特和媒体记者们提供食品。

10.Through Andy, we've had the opportunity to become friends with Boyd, hang out on his tour bus and chill backstage at a few of the shows.我们通过罗迪克认识了Boyd,还有机会在他的巡演车上逛逛,有几场表演还去后台看了看。