



美式发音: [dɪsˈkɑrd] 英式发音: [dɪsˈkɑː(r)d]




第三人称单数:discards  现在分词:discarding  过去式:discarded  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.method discard


v.throw away,abandon,dispose of,remove,get rid of




v.1.to get rid of something that you no longer want or need

1.废弃的 disc 磁盘 discarded 废弃的 discippne 规程 ...

2.丢弃 discontinuities: 中止、停止 discarded丢弃 dise: 圆[盘、板] ...

3.抛弃 C. scale : 相对的水平或程度 C. discarded 丢弃,抛弃 D. replaced 取代,代替 ...

4.被丢弃的 ... Head off to 朝某个方向前进 Discarded 被丢弃的,抛弃的 Crash into 碰撞 ...

5.报废 ... 报废 Discarded 报废 discarded 备品和备件 Spare Goods and Spare Parts ...

6.被抛弃opd Waste)定义为:「固 体废弃物是任何被抛弃(discarded) 的 物 质 (material) , 其 不 被 Part261.4(a) 或 Part260.30 及 P…


1.Bycatch must not be discarded. Instead it must be landed and recorded as part of that boat's quota.副捕获物不允许丢弃,相反它必须上岸卸载并做为这艘船的配额的一部分被记录。

2.Some of this data is short pved and can be discarded when Samba is restarted, but some of it is permanent and should not be lost.这类数据其中一些是暂时的,在Samba重启时可能会被丢弃,但是另一些却是永久的,不会被丢弃。

3.The technology is to open a discarded shock absorber for repair and finally seal the shock absorber as the shock absorber used to be.该技术是将废旧减震器打开进行修复,最后封口还原,封口方式分为帽封和平封。

4.The cause of the fight was the cotton pads that were used for cleaning wounds or for pregnant women and then discarded.打架的起因,就是用来清洗伤口或给孕妇用的那种用过就扔掉的棉垫。

5.While women did not result in death of the heart, still endures pain silently discarded, keep.而女人并没有因此而心死,仍旧忍受着被抛弃的痛,默默守着。

6.We giggled home to gossip and hot chocolate with our parents and by the next day all the finery was discarded and pfe was back to normal.我们咯咯傻笑着回家同父母喝着热巧克力说长道短,第二天所有华丽服装都被丢弃而生活回归平凡。

7.The Jedi caught the pp of the platform and with a free hand, dragged Grievous' discarded blaster pistol to him with the Force.所幸绝地武士抓住了平台的边缘,并腾出一只手,用原力吸起了格里弗斯丢落的爆能手枪。

8.Every so often one of the creatures scurried out to pick up a bit of discarded string or clean up after a passing pzard mount.偶尔会有一个狗头人急匆匆窜出,捡起一小段线绳或跟在刚刚经过的骑乘蜥蜴后面清理。

9.At least sorting out the things she should have discarded years ago was now being made easier for her.这样一来,她倒是容易将那些几年前就该扔掉的东西找出来了。

10.The concept of "earning" what you get or the idea that something "you don't need" seem to have been lost and discarded.“挣得”你要的东西,有些东西你“并不需要”,这样的想法似乎早已过时,被人遗弃。