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3.化罪 ... 翻滚吧!球球 jing 化罪 bader 怜花子 kilomi ...

4.醉月孤语 ... 寻忆 wyn81 醉月孤语 bader 尘剑 pingzi ...

5.百德 赛迪特 SADIT 百德 BADER 威宏 WEHON ...

6.沙特阿拉伯 ... Schorfheide, 德国 bader, 沙特阿拉伯 kuwait, 科威特 ...

7.贝达  美国俄克拉荷马大学健康科学中心贝达Bader)教授在同期述评中指出,GREACE研究事后分析的最重要发现在于,基线肝功 …


1.Bader said the U. S. side is satisfied with the sound communication and cooperation between both sides.贝德表示,美中双方沟通与合作良好,美方对此感到满意。

2.Mr. Bader said the idea is to use the president's 'special communications gifts. '巴德尔说,举办这些活动,是为了利用总统“在沟通方面的特别天赋”。

3.So, you know what that means. Ruth Bader Ginsburg no longer the hot chick on the court.你们知道这意味著什麽,露丝金丝伯格不再是法庭上最惹火的妞了。

4.'They're prepared to work with us, ' said Jeffrey Bader, the National Security Council's chief China expert.美国国家安全委员会(NationalSecurityCouncil)首席中国问题专家巴德尔(JeffreyBader)说,他们准备同我们合作;

5.Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg spent the night in a hospital in Washington after getting sick at the office.联邦最高法院大法官金斯伯格在办公室病倒后在华盛顿的医院度过了一晚。

6.The top White House advisor on East Asia, Jeffrey Bader, says that relationship goes beyond bilateral issues.前白宫在东亚的顾问杰弗里贝德提出超出双边的问题。

7.Mr. Israel's lawyer, Lawrence S. Bader, did not return calls.Israel的律师LawrenceS.Bader没有回应(电话采访)。

8.Samuel Bader, a physicist at the Argonne National Laboratory near Chicago, says rare earths are often found together.芝加哥阿贡国家实验室(ArgonneNationalLaboratory)的物理学家塞缪尔·贝德(SamuelBader)称,稀土金属被发现时经常混在一起。

9.In her opinion on Monday, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg worked overtime to explain that the 6-to-3 decision hardly sets Skinner free.她在周一的意见,法官金斯伯格加班加点解释说,6到3套斯金纳自由决定很难。

10.I've never seen a case where campaign-finance law has had the desired effect, " says Washington-state consultant Brett Bader. "华盛顿州的布雷特·巴德顾问说:“我从未见过这样的实例,有关竞选资金的法律竟然会起到这样令人满意的效果。”