


网络释义:贝尔;脑干听觉诱发反应(Brainstem auditory evoked response);熊


1.贝尔 ... autonomes System 自治系统 baer Banks Automated Clearing System 银行自动对帐系统 ...

4.贡献人 ... 天气预报 Weather Forecast 贡献人BAER 焦点访谈 Topics in Focus ...

5.目标 ba'er,bazi 靶儿,靶子 baer,bazi 目标,射向目标的动作 baxi 把细 ...


1.The newspaper said the occupation of Tianjin Ji Baer is not clear whether the city armed with the "base" organizations.该报说,目前尚不清楚占领津吉巴尔市的武装是否与“基地”组织有关。

2.Luckily, we have Jason Baer as moderator who has taken the "Twitter approach" to Q and A in pght of the inevitable time constraint.幸运的话,我们能请到JasonBaer做主持人,考虑到时间紧,他用“Twitter方法”来进行问答。

3.De Baer bepeves that it is possible to reduce time in the office by working more efficiently.她相信通过提高工作效率是有可能减少办公时间的。

4.One morning, a year after Baer's diagnosis, Henrich checked in before work and found Baer on the floor.贝尔确诊一年后的一天早上,亨里希上班前去查看时发现贝尔躺在地板。

5.Neal Baer is the Executive Producer of the NBC hit series Law & Order: Special Victims Unit and one of the original writers on ER .尼尔•拜尔是NBC大热电视剧《法律与秩序:特殊受害人》的执行制片人,并且是《仁心仁术》最初的编剧之一。

6.While Josh Baer, a private dealer, suggested, "It's an easy piece by a great artist. Everybody's got a book shelf. "同时,私人交易商JoshBaer指出:“这是一位伟大艺术家的一件简单作品,而每个人得到了一个书架。”

7.Ms von Baer says that the Chilean opposition uses Twitter to make up for its poor coverage in the mainstream media.MsvonBaer说智利的反对党使用微博来弥补其在主流媒体上的弱势。

8.Marjorie Baer used to joke about her retirement plans.玛乔丽•贝尔曾经拿她的退休计划开玩笑。

9.Previously, the FBI told the media to seek assistance to help them determine Baer Jie's whereabouts.此前,联邦调查局曾向媒体寻求协助,以帮助他们确定巴尔杰的行踪。

10.Catherine Fox, one of the friends who was present when Baer died, was deeply affected.贝尔的一位朋友凯瑟琳•福克斯也在去世的当场。