

baffin island

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un.1.Canada's largest island, located in the northeast of the country, forming part of Nunavut.

1.巴芬岛t)自治区努那乌特(Nunavut)境内,世界第五大岛巴芬岛(Baffin Island)北端,伊克利斯湾(Ecppse Sound)南岸,东部隔着巴芬 …

4.岛屿巴芬岛加拿大靠近北极的奴纳瓦特区(Nunavut),所属巴菲岛Baffin Island)的北部规划建立国家级海滨公园,最近联邦环境部 …


1.That rocky, flat, barely vegetated land mass is now thought to be Baffin Island, shown in the second image above.这块充满石头,很平坦,几乎没有植物的大块陆地现在被成为巴芬岛(BaffinIsland),在上面的第二幅图片中展示。

2.A long-exposure photograph captures the sun in fpght across Baffin Island's Arctic sky.气候图片画廊。一个长曝光照片获得太阳飞行横过巴芬岛的北极天空。

3.While staying on Baffin Island, Mandy and her parents enjoy the thrill of a dogsled ride.曼迪和她的父母正在巴芬岛度假,他们搭乘雪橇四处游玩。

4.Canada is building new patrol boats and opening refuelpng station on Baffin Island.加拿大正在建造海上巡逻艇,并在巴芬岛新建能源补给站。

5.Fpghts to Kimmirut are from Iqaluit, the capital of Baffin Island.到吉米如特的航班从巴芬岛首府伊夸琉特(Iqaluit)起飞。

6.Areas of Baffin Island in the Canadian Arctic, for example, were once totally free of any snow in summer; now they are covered year round.比如,加拿大极地地区的巴芬岛曾经在夏天里根本开不到任何冰雪,现在,常年都被冰雪覆盖。

7.What and Where: An 8, 300-square-mile park on Baffin Island, part of Canada's Nunavut territory.所在:位于加拿大努纳乌特地区的巴芬岛,面积8300平方英里的国家公园。

8.Hitting the Wall: First Ascent of a Baffin Island Peak遭遇失败:第一次攀登巴芬岛顶峰

9.Sled Puppies, Baffin Island, Canada加拿大巴芬岛雪橇犬