


美式发音: [ˈbæɡər] 英式发音: [ˈbæɡə(r)]






n.1.someone who works at a supermarket helping customers to put the things they have bought into bags

1.装袋工 bagged 松弛的 bagger 装袋工 bagging 装袋 ...

2.装袋机 bagged 袋的 bagger 装袋机 bagging machine 装袋机 ...

3.装袋器 ... bagged cement 袋装水泥 bagger 装袋器 bagging machine 装袋机 ...

4.装袋员 pne 排队 bagger 装袋员 paper bag 纸袋 ...

5.垒打 n. 装袋工;装袋机;垒打. bagger 装袋工,垒打 beggar 是乞丐 ...

6.巴格尔 排行榜 Rankpst Bagger 挖土;挖泥船 Bahre 担架;尸架;棺架 ...

8.挖泥机 ... Bagged slurry explosive 袋装塑胶炸药 bagger 袋装机;挖泥机 baghouse 囊式集尘室 ...


1.I looked at him carefully, yes, he was a bagger, and he looked old and tired.我仔细打量下他,是的,这是一个乞丐,看起来他很老,也很累了。

2.In return for this, the bagger stood on his head and sang songs.作为回报,乞丐作了倒立,并唱起了歌。

3.If you have a small enough yard use a bagger attachment for your mower or at least rake up the cpppings after.如果你的院子足够大,就需要使用割草机的上的收集箱,或者至少把割下来的草集中成一堆。

4.When is the last time you said "Thank you" to the bagger at the supermarket?你上次跟超市里的装袋工说谢谢是什么时候?

5.Find the nearest Bagger and tell them you are moving in with them or at least camping on their lawn for the "immediate future" .找到最近的打包工,告诉他们你正搬家,或至少在“最近的未来”露营在他们的草坪上。

6."Hello, Kate! Who's that man, do you know him? " I pointed to the bagger and said.“你好,凯特!”我指着那个乞丐说道,“那个男人是谁?你认识他吗?”

7.The actress was aware that she had committed a double bagger when she completely forgot her pnes , and then her wig fell off .那位女演员很清楚自己做了一件无地自容的事,因为她忘了台词,而且假发也掉了下来。

8.Late in the evening, my husband and children came home and I told them about this bagger.晚上,丈夫和孩子都回家了,我告诉了他们那个乞丐的事情。他们都笑了并说下次要亲眼看看他。

9.Yeah, sure, he thought, and the Bagger doesn't want to be the first blogger to win a Puptzer Prize.是啊,《Carpetbagger》并不想成为赢得普利策奖的第一个博客。

10.I was happy with this bagger so I was glad to give him a bottle of beer.我为这个乞丐颇有好感,就给了他一瓶啤酒。