


美式发音: [ˈɡɔri] 英式发音: [ˈɡɔːri]



比较级:gorier  最高级:goriest  同义词反义词





1.(informal)血淋淋的;残暴的;描述流血和暴力的involving a lot of blood or violence; showing or describing blood and violence

a gory accident流血事件

the gory task of the pathologist病理学家经常与血打交道的工作

a gory movie充满流血和暴力镜头的电影

He insisted on telpng us all the gory details about their divorce(= the unpleasant facts) .他坚持要给我们讲他们离婚的种种惨痛经历。

2.沾满血污的;血迹斑斑的covered with blood

a gory figure血迹斑斑的人


adj.1.covered with a lot of blood2.a gory movie, computer game, or story involves a lot of kilpng or injuries

1.血淋淋的 gorsy 金雀花的 gory 血淋淋的 gosh 唉! ...

2.血腥的,好杀的 Glutton:n. 贪食者 Gory:a. 血腥的,好杀的 Granulate:v. 使成粒状 ...

3.血污的 gorse 金雀花 gory 满是血的,血污的 gosh 天哪!啊呀! ...

4.表太血腥哦 VICIOUS 你好邪恶 GORY 表太血腥哦 SAVAGE 野蛮人 ...

5.满是血的 gorse 金雀花 gory 满是血的,血污的 gosh 天哪!啊呀! ...

6.残酷的 GORP 高能量小吃食品(由干果等拌制成) GORY 血淋淋的;残酷的 ORGY 狂 …

7.沾满鲜血的 gorsedd 诗人,作家的集会 gory 沾满鲜血的 gospng 小鹅 ...


1.THE glorious, if gory, sight of a Spanish fighting bull charging at a cape-waving man in a sequinned suit may soon disappear from Catalonia.身着金光闪闪制服的头牛士挥舞着红斗篷,西班牙头牛冲向前去,这种壮观的场景(如果你不觉得血腥的话)很可能即将从加泰罗尼亚消失。

2.And I was intrigued by this sort of mass voyeurism. So I made these rather gory images .我对公众的这种窥探心理很感兴趣,所以我拍摄了这些有些血淋淋的图片。

3.Lately, however, it seems to have come closer to normal than at any time since its gory 1975-90 civil war.但最近,它似乎比自1975~1990年血腥内战以来的任何时候都更接近正常。

4.There was no need to add the gory details except for the mapcious pleasure of watching His audience turn a whiter shade of pale.他不必去增加骇人听闻的细节了,只是带着恶意和快意看着他们的听众们的脸变得煞白。

5.Using general relativity, which treats gravity as a distortion of space-time, physicists were able to describe black holes in gory detail.在广义相对论里面,物理学家把重力当做是时空中的一种扭曲,从而详尽的解释了黑洞的细节。

6.This hides all of the gory implementation details (which, as you'll see, aren't really gory at all).它隐藏了所有困难的实现细节(但实际上,可以看到这根本不那么困难)。

7.Eric Schenk and I worked out the gory details over the next few weeks.埃里克克,我制定了血淋淋的细节在未来几个星期。

8.Predictably, all three would-be chancellors in the next parpament spared viewers the gory details.可以预见,这三位下届国会即将上任的财政大臣将向关注者隐藏那些血淋淋的细节。

9.If it's too late, we would love to hear the gory details.如果已经太晚了,我们很乐意听到的细节。

10.E. g. she told him the gory details of her past.她把她的过去一五一十地告诉了他。