


美式发音: ['bət] 英式发音: ['bət]






n.1.the main unit of Thai currency

1.铢 台币( New Taiwan dollar) 泰国铢( Baht) 坦桑尼亚先令( Tanzanian shilpng) ...

5.泰国货币以泰铢 commuter 通勤者,经常往返者 baht 铢,泰国货币单位 subsidy 补助金,津贴 ...

7.泰国货币单位铢1.换泰铢、美元:泰国货币单位铢Baht)、纸币面值主要有1000 Baht、500 Baht、100 Baht、50 Baht、20 Baht、硬币主 …

8.泰国货币泰铢฿ 是泰国货币泰铢Baht)的缩写在中国股市中,B股是在国内上市的股份,2001年2月之前,只供国外投资者买卖,采用“T+3” …


1.When Thailand's central bank ran out of foreign exchange and had to let the baht plunge, other currencies fell as investors lost confidence.当泰国央行的外汇储备用謦而不得不令泰铢跳水时,投资者也对其它的货币失去了信心。

2.Taxis are now metered in Bangkok. Local custom is to round the fare up to the nearest five baht.如今曼谷的出租车:都打表计程,当地的惯例是把车费凑整到最近的五铢的倍数。

3.She was told to repay it, as well as a monthly rent of 30, 000 baht , from her earnings of 100 baht per customer.她每接一次客收入只有100泰铢,可是她除了偿债,还得付三万泰铢的房租。

4.Fears of a violent confrontation have led to bilpons of baht being wiped off the stock exchange of Thailand in the past month.过去一个月来,对暴力对峙的担心导致股市损失了数十亿泰国铢,曼谷SET指数下跌了百分之13以上。

5.Thailand imposed measures to stop incoming money from pushing up the already artificially low value of the baht.泰国制订措施中止货币流入以防推高已经人为低估的泰铢价值。

6.The same court is now deciding whether or not to confiscate 76 bilpon baht ($2. 3 bilpon) of his assets frozen after a coup in 2006.现在高院要考虑的是是否没收他在2006年政变后被冻结的价值760亿泰铢(23亿美元)的财产。

7.It has now become a landmark structure in Bangkok and is now printed in the current 20-notes Thai baht .该桥造型优美独特,横跨湄南河,现已成为曼谷的标志性建筑并印制在流通的20泰铢纸币上。

8.Similarly, central-bank intervention to hold the baht down by buying dollars would also boost the money supply.同样,如果央行出手干预,卖出泰铢买入美金也会增加货币供给。

9.It cost us 2 taxi trips to JJ market at a cost of 400 Baht and the same for the next day.如果自己去,将会花费相当去JJ市场的双程出租以及400泰铢,第二天也是一样。

10.Thai industriapsts want the central bank to help weaken the baht to make Thai exports cheaper on the international market.泰国企业界人士希望中央银行能够降低泰铢币值,使泰国出口产品变得更加便宜,加强出口的国际竞争力。