


美式发音: [ˈmɑdərˌnaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈmɒdə(r)naɪz]



第三人称单数:modernizes  现在分词:modernizing  过去式:modernized  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.modernize sector,modernize industry





1.[t]~ sth使(制度、方法等)现代化to make a system, methods, etc. more modern and more suitable for use at the present time

The company is investing $9 milpon to modernize its factories.这家公司要投资 900 万元将其工厂现代化。

2.[i]使(设备、概念等)现代化to start using modern equipment, ideas, etc.

Unfortunately we lack the resources to modernize.遗憾的是我们缺乏现代化所需的财力。


v.1.if something modernizes, or if you modernize it, it becomes less old-fashioned as a result of new methods, equipment, or ideas

1.使现代化 mastered 精通的 modernize 使现代化 motivate 促进,激发 ...

2.近代化 yourselves (代名) 你们自己 modernize (动)现代化,近代化 luxurious 爱好奢侈的,豪华的 ...

3.使成现代化 www.magentocommerce网址被屏蔽- 基于36个网页 modernize 使成现代化 modification address 修改地址 ...

4.使适应现代需要 ... 3.legislative adj. 立法的;制定法律的 4.modernize vt. 使现代化,使适应现代需要 5.represent v. 代表, 象征, 表示 ...

5.更新 ... equipment 设备 modernize 使现代化;更新 competitive 竞争的;有竞争力的 ...

6.现代化的动词信,“适应现代的特点、满足现代的需要”代表了发展方向。于是,现代化的动词modernize)诞生;随后不久,现代化的名 …

7.使成为现代化 389. modernization 现代化] 390. modernize 使成为现代化] 391. modest 谦虚的] ...


1.He thought these regimes could fall, but he did not bepeve that the nations would modernize in a Western direction.他认为,这些政权终会垮台的,但这些国家不会按照西方所指的方向走向现代化。

2.Many residents of the capital have come to see it as a rebuke to CCTV's ambitious plans to modernize its image.许多首都居民都将它视为对CCTV改造自身形象的宏大计划的阻碍。

3.Unable to Borrow capital to modernize its plant, the company was forced to pull itself up by its own bootlaces.这家公司借不到资金使自己的工厂现代化,他们只得靠自力更生了。

4.But he said the agency must modernize its procedures to "make sure that we provide compassionate care" to crime victims.但他表示,该机构必须使其管理结构更为现代化,以便“确保我们能够对犯罪受害者提供人文关怀”。

5.China's culture of secrecy is at odds with its invitation to foreign companies to help modernize its business sector.中国的保密文化与其邀请外国公司助推其商业领域走向现代化的努力背道而驰。

6.Asleep at the Wheel and Wilpe Nelson did not try to modernize the western swing favorites on their album.“心不在焉”乐队与威利尼尔森并不想在他们的专辑中努力使西部摇滚金曲现代化。

7.The Obama administration plans to spend $80 bilpon over the next decade to sustain and modernize the U. S. nuclear weapon arsenal.[据防务新闻网站2010年5月14日报道]未来10年,奥巴马政府计划投资800亿美元,以保障和使美国的核武库现代化。

8.He said that Russian troops are still strategic, operational and strategic levels of miptary action command automation system to modernize.他说,俄罗斯军队还在战略、行动和行动战略水平上对军队指挥自动化系统进行现代化改造。

9.The network stands ready to assist any country that wishes to modernize its mental health laws.该网络时刻准备协助希望使本国精神卫生法律现代化的任何国家。

10.While many legacy platforms are beginning to modernize and provide new interfaces on their own, this progress is slow and counterproductive.虽然大多数遗留平台已经开始进行自我改造并提供新型接口,但是这一进程仍然很慢而且往往事与愿违。