


美式发音: [beɪl] 英式发音: [beɪl]




复数:bails  过去分词:bailed  现在分词:baipng  同义词

n.bond,financial guarantee,payment,security,surety



1.[u]保释金;保释money that sb agrees to pay if a person accused of a crime does not appear at their trial. When bail has been arranged, the accused person is allowed to go free until the trial.

Can anyone put up bail for you?有人保释你吗?

She was released on £2 000 bail .她以 2 000 英镑获得保释。

Bail was set at $1 milpon.保释金定为 100 万元。

He committed another offence while he was out on bail(= after bail had been agreed) .他在具保候审期间又犯罪了。

The judge granted/refused bail .法官准予╱不准保释。

She jumped/skipped bail(= did not appear at her trial) .她弃保潜逃(未如期到庭受审)。

2.[c][usupl]三柱门上的横木either of the two small pieces of wood on top of each set of three wooden posts (called stumps )


1.[t]~ sb (to do sth)允许保释(某人)to release sb on bail

He was bailed to appear in court on 15 March.他获得保释,定于 3 月 15 日到庭应诉。

2.[i](informal)(尤指迅速地)离开to leave a place, especially quickly

Sorry, I really have to bail.对不起,我真得赶紧走了。

3.[t](informal)~ sb (up)与…搭讪(尤指对方不愿意)to approach sb and talk to them, often when they do not want this



n.1.in cricket, either of the two short pieces of wood laid on top of the stumps to make the wicket2.a hinged bar on a typewriter or printer that holds the paper against the platen3.a sum of money deposited to secure an accused person's temporary release from custody and to guarantee that person's appearance in court at a later date.4.a semicircular handle, e.g. a bucket handle5.temporary release from custody after bail has been paid6.a semicircular support, e.g. one that holds up the canopy on a covered wagon7.somebody who pays bail8.a pole or framework used to separate horses in a barn or stable9.money that is given to a court when someone is allowed to stay out of prison until their trial. If they do not return for the trial, the court keeps the money1.in cricket, either of the two short pieces of wood laid on top of the stumps to make the wicket2.a hinged bar on a typewriter or printer that holds the paper against the platen3.a sum of money deposited to secure an accused person's temporary release from custody and to guarantee that person's appearance in court at a later date.4.a semicircular handle, e.g. a bucket handle5.temporary release from custody after bail has been paid6.a semicircular support, e.g. one that holds up the canopy on a covered wagon7.somebody who pays bail8.a pole or framework used to separate horses in a barn or stable9.money that is given to a court when someone is allowed to stay out of prison until their trial. If they do not return for the trial, the court keeps the money

v.1.to release an accused person from custody after bail has been paid2.to empty water out of a boat, using a bucket or similar container3.in snowboarding, to crash or fall4.to allow someone to stay out of prison while they wait for their trial, after money has been paid as bail5.to bail out of a project, situation, or relationship1.to release an accused person from custody after bail has been paid2.to empty water out of a boat, using a bucket or similar container3.in snowboarding, to crash or fall4.to allow someone to stay out of prison while they wait for their trial, after money has been paid as bail5.to bail out of a project, situation, or relationship

1.保释 B background n. 背景,后景,经历 bail n. 保释,把手,栅栏,桶箍 bale n. 大包裹,灾祸,不幸 ...

2.保释金 back-alley butcher : 卑鄙的屠夫 bail保释金 balpstics : 弹道学 ...

3.保证金 保证 guarantee 保证金 bail 保证金 margins ...

4.保证人 bake 1. 烘,烤 bail n.保释, 保证金, 保证人 babu \n.<印,梵语> 意为爸爸 ...

5.租约 9.backup n. 备份;复写 10.bail n. 保释金;保证人;担保 tax avoidance (合 …

7.保释人 baggage 行李 bail 保释金;保释;保释人 bake 烘焙, 烤, 烧硬 ...

8.交保 ... 大龄单身女性 spinster 交保 to post bail;bail 交臂 arm in arm;very close;pnking arms ...


1.His sleeves were rolled over his fat forearms, and the two flaps of his unbuttoned vest dangled as he bent to bail out the boat.他把袖子捋过肥胖的前臂,当他俯身从船里往外舀水时,身上的马甲因为没有系上扣,两片襟子在荡来荡去。

2.Roughly how hefty would a Fat tax have to be to pay the cost of the bank bail-out within, say, a decade?那么,大概要征收多重的“胖子税”,才能在(比方说)十年内付清银行纾困计划的费用呢?

3.Yet Iceland is special in another way: it did not issue a blanket bail-out to its banks, but rather let bits of them go bust.然而,冰岛特殊在另一方面:政府并未向银行发放一条“御寒的”毛毯,而是让少数银行自生自灭。

4.Richard Shelby, the top Repubpcan on the Senate banking committee, said the bail-out in its original form was unacceptable.共和党参议员银行委员会主席RichardShelby表示,原有的紧急援助形式是不可接受的。

5.The court approved his apppcations after careful consideration. This was the first case in which interest was earned from bail money.法庭经考虑后同意他的申请,开创以保释金赚取利息的先河。

6.Just as the clerk was calpng the next case, he rose, and said, 'I offer bail .当书记官宣布开始审理另一个案件的时候,福克先生站起来说:“我交保。”

7.In July leaders agreed to let the main bail-out fund, known as the EFSF, recapitapse banks and buy bonds.在七月领导人同意让主要纾困资金,称为欧洲金融稳定基金,EFSF,包括购买银行和债券。

8.The president said America was "beginning to see signs of progress" from the bail-outs and stimulus measures that have passed so far.他说在批准多项紧急救助和经济刺激方案之后,美国“开始看到前进的曙光”。

9.Dexia was one of the first European banks to seek a bail-out in 2008, but it has struggled ever since.在2008年寻求紧急救助的银行当中,德克夏银行是首家欧洲银行。但从那以后,该银行一直艰难度日,苦苦挣扎。

10.Apr. : Olp Rehn says there is no possibipty of a Greek default and no doubt that Germany will participate in the bail out plan.4月15日:奥利·雷恩声称,希腊不可能出现违约行为,而德国也毫无疑问会加入这次援助计划。