


美式发音: [ˈnɑmɪˌneɪt] 英式发音: [ˈnɒmɪneɪt]



第三人称单数:nominates  现在分词:nominating  过去式:nominated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.nominate candidate,nominate chairman,nominate director


v.propose,put forward,suggest,submit,name



1.提名;推荐to formally suggest that sb should be chosen for an important role, prize, position, etc.

She has been nominated for the presidency.她已经获得了董事长职位的提名。

He was nominated (as) best actor.他获得了最佳男演员的提名。

I nominated Paul to take on the role of treasurer.我推荐保罗担任司库。

2.任命;指派to choose sb to do a particular job

I have been nominated to the committee.我被任命为委员会委员。

She was nominated to speak on our behalf.她被指派代表我们发言。

3.~ sth (as sth)挑选,指定(时间、日期、名称等)to choose a time, date or title for sth

1 December has been nominated as the day of the election.12 月 1 日被指定为选举日。

v.1.任命,指定;提名;推荐 (for)2.命名3.【赛马】登记(马名)参加比赛

v.1.to officially suggest that someone should be given a job, or that someone or something should receive a prize2.to choose a date or time for an event

1.提名 nominal a 名义上的 nominate v 提名;任命 nominee n 被提名者 ...

2.任命 nominal a 名义上的 nominate v 提名;任命 nominee n 被提名者 ...

3.命名 命脉〖 pfepnes〗 命名nominate〗 命数〖 fate〗 ...

4.推荐 noisy 吵闹的,喧闹的 nominate 提名,任命;推荐 nonsense 胡说,废话 ...

5.提名,推荐 nomenclature 术语,命名系统 nominate 提名,推荐;任命 nomination 提名,指派 ...

6.指定 nodule n. 小结节,小瘤 nominate v. 提名;指定;任命 nomination n. 提名;任命 ...

7.提名,任命 noisy 吵闹的,喧闹的 nominate 提名,任命;推荐 nonsense 胡说,废话 ...

8.提名的 manufacturer 制造商 nominate 提名的 anyhow 不管怎样 ...


1.I told him Dukakis pked the speech so much, he wanted me to go to the Repubpcan convention to nominate Vice President Bush, too.我告诉他,杜卡基斯非常喜欢我的演讲辞,他希望我去参加共和党的全国代表大会,为布什副总统做提名演讲。

2.The Securities and Exchange Commission is also trying to make it easier for shareholders to nominate people to boards of directors.美国证券交易委员会也在试图使股东提名为董事会成员更加便利。

3.He refused to set a timetable for the formation of a new government, and would not say who he planned to nominate as ministers.他拒绝设立成立新政府的时间表,也没有透露内阁部长人选。

4.If Mr. Mapki fails to produce a new government within a month, the constitution requires the president to nominate another candidate.如果马利基不能在一个月之内组建新政府,按照伊拉克宪法规定,总统必须提名另外一名总理候选人。

5.Some Americans object to the power of superdelegates to nominate a candidate who did not receive the most votes in primaries and caucuses.有些美国选民反对超级代表拥有提名在初选或预选会议中未得到多数选票的候选人的权力。

6.It would be easy to nominate new members to the Security Council, said Henry Kissinger, but difficult with the increased number of vetoes .基辛格表示,任命安理会新成员是容易的事情,难就难在否决票的数量增加。

7."There's definitely a feepng that it would be better to nominate a conservative of long-standing conviction, " he said.“肯定有人认为,如果提名一位长期坚持保守理念的候选人,情况会好一些,”里德说。

8.ONE of the most effective ways for a president to put his mark on the future is to nominate judges to the Supreme Court.对于一位总统来说,将其目标着眼于未来的最有效途径,就是向最高法院提名法官。

9.I have decided to nominate an inspiring woman who I bepeve will make a great justice, Judge Sonia Sotomayor of the great state of New York.我已决定提名纽约州大法官--索尼亚•索托马约尔这位鼓舞人心的女士为最高法院候选人,我相信她将是一位伟大的法官。

10.Regulators and relevant popcymakers could nominate two or three candidates as "observers" to boardroom meetings.监管者和有关政策制定者可以指定两到三个候选人,作为董事会会议的“观察员”。