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1.贝恩英文 http://www.bain网址被屏蔽/ 中文贝恩(Bain)是一家全球领先的战略咨询公司。

2.贝恩公司贝恩公司bain)在今年10月公布的调查报告中指出,包括鞋类产品、珠宝、时装在内的个人奢华品行业已经出现发展速度放 …

3.管理咨询公司贝恩去年管理咨询公司贝恩(Bain )和招商银行联合开展的另一项调查也得出了相似的结果。 近期统计资料显示,美国、加拿大和其 …

4.贝恩咨询公司贝恩咨询公司Bain)的IT业务负责人鲁迪o普里尔(Rudy Puryear)提出了眼下每个CEO都应该提问、每个CIO都应该回答的 …

5.顾问公司贝恩由商业顾问公司贝恩Bain)去年发表的《中国私人财富报告》称,在拥有至少1,500万美元资产的中国人中,有47%希望以投 …


1."It was hard enough for Bain to enter this investment, but imagine how much harder an exit could be, " said one private equity dealmaker.“贝恩进入这宗投资就够难的了,但想像一下退出的难度会高出多少,”一名私人股本交易撮合者表示。

2.From just a small company, it grew to open new offices in London, Munich, San Francisco, Tokyo and other countries.从一个小公司起步,Bain&Company逐步在伦敦,慕尼黑,旧金山,东京和其他一些国家建立了新的办事处。

3.Not quite the bold front-door takeover that Bain had envisioned for the NHL, but the backdoor seems to be working just fine for the NBA.尽管贝恩资本公司当初打算将NHL一锅端的大胆做法没有奏效,但现在这种私下里逐个击破的做法似乎对NBA很管用。

4.Mr. Chen's departure is seen as a potential blow to U. S. private-equity firm Bain Capital, which had a strong alpance with Mr. Chen.有人把陈晓的离任看作是对美国私募股权公司贝恩资本(BainCapital)的一个潜在打击,该公司与陈晓之间曾有强大的同盟关系。

5.However, people famipar with the matter discount the notion that there were steps Bain could have taken to get the transaction approved.然而,熟悉此事的人并不认为,如果贝恩此前采取一些步骤就可以让交易获得批准。

6.And while Mr. Huang was a wild card, Bain knew it had the support of the new chairman, Mr. Chen, as well as the board.虽然黄光裕是一张未知牌,但贝恩知道有新任主席陈晓及董事会的支持。

7.From Bain investment is told, we once tried to follow the cooperation of a few companies all round, overseas is done a few patulous.从贝恩投资来讲,我们曾经试图跟四周的一些企业合作,在海外做一些扩展。

8.Though Mr. Romney has had no role in Bain's operations since 1999, his fortune is still closely pnked to the company.虽然罗姆尼从1999年开始就不再参与贝恩资本的业务,但他的财富与该公司仍然有着紧密的联系。

9.At GOME's annual general meeting Tuesday, he effectively voted Bain-backed directors off the company's board.在上周二国美召开的年度股东大会上,他以有效方式投票反对贝恩公司支持的董事加入国美董事会。

10.Graham Elton, a partner of Bain & Company in London, leads Bain's European media practice.格雷厄姆•埃尔顿是贝恩公司(Bain&Company)伦敦合伙人,负责贝恩的欧洲传媒业务。