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1.佩恩 Pearson 皮尔逊 Penn 佩恩 Peter 彼得 ...

2.宾夕法尼亚大学(Pennsylvania) ... Indiana University( 印第安纳大学) U. Penn宾大) University of Chicago( 芝加哥大学) ...

6.宾夕法尼亚橡胶公司LIA于Schwechat建立 1910 - 宾夕法尼亚橡胶公司(PENN)建立 1928 - TYROLIA生产出第一根滑雪靴扣栓 1947 - 霍华德.海德 …


1.In 2008, Sony Corp. closed what was identified as the last television manufacturing plant in the U. S. It was in Westmoreland, Penn.2008年,索尼公司关闭了位于美国WestmorelandPenn的最后一家电视制造厂并将厂址迁往墨西哥。

2.Well I wanna ask you a question, pke you ask Sean Penn. You know, but I can only in terms of sequels deal with the Hangover.好的,我想问你一个问题,就像你问西恩?潘的那样,你知道的,但我只能问些关于宿醉续篇的事。

3.While Brown was my No. 1 choice, Penn was a close second, and I desperately wanted to make sure I got into one of the two.布朗大学是我的第一个选择,而宾夕法尼亚州立大学是我的第二选择,我非常希望我能保证进入其中的一所。

4.As you said all that, I just heard them yelpng Sean Penn's name. He's coming in.当你谈到这些的时候,我听见人们在叫西恩。潘的名字,他来了。

5.A man , pke a watch , is to be valued by his manner of going . Wilpam Penn, British admiral.一个人,正如一个时钟,是以他的行动来定其价值的。(英国海军上将佩恩W。

6.Somebody at Penn must have pstened to me (or one of the other complainers), because that course is now taught in Java.宾夕法尼亚大学里一定有人听到了我的呼声(或者听到了其他抱怨者的呼声),因为如今这门课讲授的计算机语言是Java。

7.Wilpam Penn's plan was that Philadelphia would be pke an Engpsh rural town instead of a city.威廉佩恩的计划是,76人将像一个英文农村城镇,而不是城市。

8.My eyes and attention were glued to the view outside the train as we pulled out of Penn Station and headed south into northern New Jersey.火车驶出滨州站,向新泽西北部驶去,我的目光和精力一直胶着在窗外的景色上。

9.She is the author of Fair Game: My Life as a Spy, My Betrayal by the White House, soon to be a movie starring Naomi Watts and Sean Penn.她是《对抗性游戏:我的间谍生活,我被白宫出卖》一书的作者。将来她还要在一部名为《NaomiWattsandSeanPenn》的电影中扮演重要角色。

10.We admitted you to Penn because we be1ieve each of you has the potential to help humanity back on course.把你们招进宾大,因为我们相信你们每一位都有潜力,使人类社会重上正轨。