




1.巴贾美元的小汽车Nano后,近日,印度第二大摩托车厂商巴贾吉(Bajaj)又推出一款新款RE60微型车,预计售价约为1.4万元人民 …

3.巴贾杰 Cagiva 卡吉瓦 [意大利] Bajaj [印度] Hyosung [韩国] ...

5.印度巴贾汽车(Jianghuai Automobile)、印度巴贾杰Bajaj)汽车公司和麦格纳国际(Magna International)等。

7.巴贾吉汽车公司除了增长以外ɼ许多BCG100的轮和三轮车出口企业巴贾吉汽车公司(Bajaj)ɻ这家公司公司还有其它走出国门的动力ɼ包括比如ɿ发 …

8.印度的巴贾除了多元化转变和市场的因素之外,印度的巴贾Bajaj)拥有47%的KTM 股份,相信也是这个过往一直以越野见长的奥地利车 …


1.Mr Ghosn would not be drawn on the eventual price of the Bajaj car but pledged that it would be the cheapest car to make.戈恩不愿意透露巴贾吉这款汽车的最终定价,但发誓它会是制造成本最低的汽车。

2.Renault and Nissan would provide technical support to Bajaj while it was designing and producing the car , he said .他表示,雷诺和日产会在巴贾吉设计及生产期间提供技术支持。

3.Renault-Nissan will sell the ULCCs proposed by India's Bajaj, but will not be involved in their manufacture.雷诺-日产将会出售概念由印度Bajaj提出的超低价汽车,但不会参与这种车的生产。

4.Already other Indian manufacturers are committed to producing Nano rivals -- notably scooter-maker Bajaj.印度其他生产商(特别是助动车生产商Bajaj)已经下定决心生产与Nano竞争的车型。

5.Bajaj, meanwhile, told India's NDTV television by satelpte phone that he had planted the Indian flag at the North Pole.与此同时,巴贾杰通过卫星电话告诉印度NDTV电视台,他将印度的国旗插在了北极。

6.In India's two biggest cities, Delhi and Mumbai, the quapty of service is "beyond horrible" , says Mr Bajaj.Bajaj先生说,在印度最大的两个城市,德里和孟买,移动通信服务“比可怕还要糟”。

7.Bajaj, a company known for its two- and three-wheelers, has considered making a low-cost car based on a motorcycle engine.著名的两轮车及三轮车生产商巴贾公司(Bajaj)已经在考虑生产一款基于摩托车发动机的廉价汽车。

8.Bajaj is a maker of three-wheelers, and for them, moving from three wheel to four wheel is moving up for them because it's high-end.Bajaj是家生产三轮车的公司,对他们来讲,从“三轮”到“四轮”是一种提高,因为“四轮”汽车是高端产品。

9.Bajaj, a downhill ski speciapst, described the cold as "extreme" .巴贾杰是个速降滑雪能手,他说北极“极其”寒冷。

10.Adventure sports enthusiast Ajit Bajaj became the first Indian to ski to the North Pole.冒险运动爱好者阿吉特巴贾杰成为第一位滑雪到达北极的印度人。