


美式发音: [kəˈrɑti] 英式发音: [kəˈrɑːti]





1.空手道a Japanese system of fighting in which you use your hands and feet as weapons

a karate chop(= a blow with the side of the hand)空手道的掌侧劈


n.1.a way of fighting from Japan in which people hit each other using their hands, feet, arms, and legs. Karate is a form of martial art.

1.空手道 Coat – style 外套形睡衣 Karate 空手道服式睡衣 Pyjamas 睡衣套装 ...

3.日语空手道 judo[ 日语]柔道 karate[ 日语]空手道 laissez-faire[ 法语]自由主义 ...

4.日本空手道 #thick 傻,笨 #karate 日本空手道 #egg someone on 怂恿,通常是指不好的事情。 ...

5.日本的一种徒手自卫武术 ... jurisdiction n. 司法,裁判权 karate n. 日本的一种徒手自卫武术 khmer n. 高棉人,高棉语 ...

6.正宗空手道正宗空手道 (Karate)真琴 (MAKOTO) [招式–突进正拳·疾风、直上正拳突·吹上、打段下手刀·岚、吊割喉辆·唐草、闪空踵落·剑 …

7.空手道班空手道班karate):空手道训练班由一流的职业空手道教练执教,目前有白带、黄带、红带、橙带、蓝带、绿带、棕带、黑带 …


1.No, I had it when I walked out the door. Dad picked me up to drive me to karate.不可能,我出门的时候还带着,爸爸开车接我去上空手道的课,然后我把书包放在车里。

2.Yeah, but they demonstrated how you could knock him out with one karate blow to the throat.有,但是,他们给你示范:怎样用空手道猛击他的喉部,将其打昏。

3.For me to ask a woman out I gotta get into a mental state pke the karate guys before they break the bricks.对我来说,要约个女生出来,就好像练空手道的人要劈砖前一样,要凝神静气的准备一番。

4.Obama is a handsome young man, and I was a handsome old man, we both could be a showdown, he would play basketball, and I teach karate.奥巴马是个英俊的年轻人,而我是个帅老头,我们俩可以一决高下。他会打篮球,而我是教空手道的。

5.He began moving his hands through the air in fluid motions pke the Karate Kid's wax-on wax-off exercise.他开始在空中连贯地挥动他的手,就好像电影《空手道小子》反复打蜡的练习一样。

6."So your concern was that he wouldn't get his homework done before his karate class, " said the counselor.“所以你的问题是他在空道课前不愿意做家庭作业,”咨询师说。

7.Vicars in London have been trained in tae kwon do, a Korean form of karate, after a survey showing that they were at high risk of attack.在一个调查表示伦敦的牧师处于高危人群之后,他们就开始训练跆拳道了。

8.You know, almost pke these heroes are going from white belts to a black belts in Karate.你知道这些英雄的转变就像是空手道高手的白带到黑带的提升。

9.In actual fact, karate, or some other physical exercise is beneficial to your exam preparation and should be a part of your revision plans.事实上,空手道或其他运动项目有益于考试的准备,同时也是你自己改进计划的一部分。

10.He signed up for body building courses, karate, judo, and all that good stuff.最终他受不了了。他报名参加了健身班,学习空手道,柔道和其他类似项目。