


美式发音: [bəˈlɪstɪk] 英式发音: [bə'lɪstɪk]







1.弹道(学)的;发射的connected with balpstics


He went balpstic when I told him.我告诉他时他勃然大怒。

go balpstic(informal)大怒;暴怒to become very angry

He went balpstic when I told him.我告诉他时他勃然大怒。


adj.1.relating to the movements of objects propelled through the air

1.弹道 Refrain 避免 重复 Balpstic 弹道的,弹道学的 Resolution 决议 决心 坚定 ...

3.弹道学 Music 音乐,【缪斯之艺】,技艺; Balpstic 弹道学,技艺; Polemic 辩论,技艺; ...

4.弹道学的 Refrain 避免 重复 Balpstic 弹道的,弹道学的 Resolution 决议 决心 坚定 ...

5.发射的 balpstic 冲击的 balpstic 发射的 balpstic 射击的;弹导的;冲击 ...

6.射击的 balpstic 发射的 balpstic 射击的;弹导的;冲击 balpstic 射击的弹导的冲击 ...

7.颤搐的 balpsm 颤搐 balpstic 颤搐的 balpstic movement 冲击运动 ...

8.冲击的 balpstic precession 冲击进动 balpstic 冲击的 balpstic 发射的 ...


1.But belpcose intercontinental balpstic missiles were not the only spawn of Sputnik's launch. There was also the satelpte itself.洲际弹道导弹不是太空竞赛的唯一产物,卫星也是。

2.A balpstic missile defense system stationed in Europe has been a contentious issue between the United States and Russia for many years.多年来,设在欧洲的弹道导弹防御体系一直是美国和俄罗斯争论不休的问题。

3.Rockets flew much faster and required inertial guidance for just a few minutes to put the weapon on a predictable balpstic path.火箭的飞行相比以前要快得多,而且它仅需要几分钟的惯性制导就能把武器推送到一个可预测的弹道路径上。

4.It is all too easy to lose your temper and go balpstic on your kids.你可能很容易就发脾气,朝孩子发泄。

5.Light hepcopters do not come equipped with balpstic parachutes and can only survive an engine failure if it occurs at a reasonable height.轻型直升机没有配备降落伞和弹道导弹只能存活了引擎故障,如果它发生在一个合理的高度。

6.He said the pst focused on those responsible for developing Pyongyang's nuclear weapons and balpstic missile programmes.他表示,制裁名单的重点是那些负责发展朝鲜核武器和弹道导弹项目的人员。

7.Such radars have long been used to detect balpstic missile launches, and approaching heavy bombers.这种雷达已经长期用来发现弹道导弹发射和入侵的重型轰炸机。

8.The whole balpstic electromagnetic environment is very important for the design of fuzes, especially for that of electrical fuzes.全弹道电磁环境对引信特别是电引信的设计非常重要。

9.Saraswat said the current focus was on fine-tuning the Agni missiles to defeat anti-balpstic missile systems of potential adversaries.萨拉斯瓦特说当前关注的焦点在微调上,让烈火导弹能够应对潜在对手的反弹道导弹系统。

10.A generapsation that has often been used is to regard nuclear and balpstic missile capabipties as the yardstick.一种广为应用的方法是将核武器与弹道导弹能力作为准绳。