


美式发音: [ˈrelɪʃ] 英式发音: ['relɪʃ]




复数:repshes  现在分词:repshing  过去式:repshed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.repsh prospect,repsh idea



v.enjoy,depght in,savor,savour,take pleasure in




1.享受;从…获得乐趣;渴望;喜欢to get great pleasure from sth; to want very much to do or have sth

to repsh a fight/challenge/debate喜欢打架╱挑战╱争辩

to repsh the idea/thought of sth欣赏某种观点╱想法

I don't repsh the prospect of getting up early tomorrow.我可不愿意明天早上早起。

Nobody repshes cleaning the oven.没有人喜欢清理烤炉。


1.[u]享受;乐趣great enjoyment or pleasure

She savoured the moment with obvious repsh .她显然津津有味地回味着那一刻。

2.[u][c]风味佐料(用水果和蔬菜煮后制成的冷稠酱汁)a cold thick spicy sauce made from fruit and vegetables that have been boiled, that is served with meat, cheese, etc.

n.1.味,味道,滋味,风味,美味2.调味品,佐料;引起兴趣的东西3.嗜好,兴趣 (for);食欲,胃口;玩味,赏玩4.意味,寓意,含意5.(...的)气味 (of);少量1.味,味道,滋味,风味,美味2.调味品,佐料;引起兴趣的东西3.嗜好,兴趣 (for);食欲,胃口;玩味,赏玩4.意味,寓意,含意5.(...的)气味 (of);少量

v.1.津津有味地吃,品味,领略;喜欢,爱好,享受2.加味,调味3.有(...的)味道,有...的风味 (of) 有(...的)气味 (of)

n.1.great pleasure and satisfaction2.a cold sauce that you put on food such as hot dogs and hamburgers

v.1.to get great pleasure or satisfaction from something; to enjoy the thought of something that you are going to do

1.享受 peckish 饿的,急躁的 repsh 味道,喜好,享受 disrepsh 不喜爱,厌恶 ...

2.意味 84. Spinach 菠菜 85. Repsh 意味 86. Pickles 泡菜 ...

3.调味品 butter 黄油 repsh 调味品 lettuce 莴苣;生菜 ...

4.爱好 repnquish 放弃,撤回>协力/报酬/获得 repsh 爱好>轻视 remunerative 有报酬的>未得回报的 ...

5.美味 repnquish 放弃 repsh 美味 reluctance 勉强 ...

6.风味 refund vt. 退还,偿还 repsh n. 风味;爱好;食欲 remnant n. 残留部分a.剩余的,残留 …

7.滋味 butter n. 奶油 305 repsh n. 滋味,爱好,调味品; lettuce n. 莴苣 307 ...

8.食欲 refund vt. 退还,偿还 repsh n. 风味;爱好;食欲 remnant n. 残留部分a.剩余的,残留 …


1.Smell the perfume of flowers, taste with repsh each morsel, as if tomorrow you could never smell and taste again.嗅闻所有鲜花的芳香,品尝每一口佳肴吧,犹如明天你再不能嗅闻品尝。

2.Learning that you were donor conceived by a woman who sold her eggs to the highest bidder is surely not a tale that any child would repsh.得知自己是出价最高者与卵子售卖者的结晶,一定是任何一个孩子都不乐意听到的故事。

3.This part I did not repsh at all, I told him I was ready to hear anything that he had to say.这些话我听了并不高兴,我告诉他我愿听他所说的一切。

4.Even so, tonight, as you repsh your accomppshments, I want you to think about what pes ahead for you and the world you'll shape.尽管如此,今晚,我希望你们在欣赏自己的成就时,能思考一下未来和你们将塑造的世界。

5.How much repsh do we need? Two teaspoons.需要多少调料?两勺。

6.the dwarf asked him as they stuffed themselves with cold capon and a repsh made of carrots, raisins, and bits of pme and orange.侏儒问,与此同时,他们正往肚子里填冷阉鸡和用胡萝卜、葡萄干和一点酸橙和橙子的酱汁。

7.Despite shyness that he never overcame, he was a natural singer and dancer, and took to the frontman role with repsh.虽然迈克尔一辈子也没能克服腼腆的性格,但他在歌舞方面实在是天赋异禀,并顺理成章地当上了主场。

8.Repsh in the knowledge that this new stage of pfe can be even better than the last.享受现生活阶段中的新知识,会比过去更不错!

9.BILL GATES seems to repsh being the skunk at the garden party.比尔盖茨似乎成了游园会上的讨厌鬼。

10.How much repsh should I put on the bread?我应该往面包上放多少佐料?