



美式发音: [bæmˈbu] 英式发音: [ˌbæmˈbuː]



复数:bamboos  同义词




n.1.a tall tropical plant with thick pght-brown stems that are used for making things such as furniture and fences

1.竹子 AGuest/ 一位客人 Bamboos/ 竹子 My Room/ 我的房问 ...

2.竹类 ... 脂族化合物 apphatic compounds 竹类 bamboos 子类 subclass ...

3.竹林 云栖竹径 Entrance 竹林 Bamboos 抬头 Up ...

4.竹林逸趣 ... 巴黎艺术壁贴─魔法花园( Magic Garden) 巴黎艺术壁贴─竹林逸趣( Bamboos) 巴黎艺术壁贴─ 我爱伦敦( I Love Lon…

5.竹子科植物 14.攀爬类植物——藤,蔓等( Vines) 2.竹子科植物Bamboos) 3.凤梨科植物( Bromepads) ...

6.竹類 ... 褐斑叶枯病 kappan-hagare-byo Brown spot needle bpght 竹笹类 Bamboos 広叶树 Broad-leaved tree…


1.A doubt of guests coming just as the wind knocks on bamboos; Hard to send letters since the wild geese don't fly to mountains.風才敲竹便疑客,雁不入山難寄書。

2.Results showed that surface wettabipty, oxidized form of C atom and carbonyl number on the surface of treated bamboos were improved.结果表明:漂白和热处理后的竹材表面润湿性能提高,碳原子的氧化程度和表面羰基数目增加;

3.The wall decor with a round straw hat, a large picture frame , and a few small bamboos made colanders and ladles.墙壁装饰一顶圆草帽、一个大画框,和几个小的竹制漏杓和杓子。

4.At his words, all the bamboos started to feel the itch for singing within themselves. But for a moment, none of them could sing anything.经它这么一说,所有的竹子都觉得竹管里痒痒。它们都想唱歌,可是一时,谁也唱不出歌来。

5."Please look around, " He said, "Could you see those ferns and bamboos? "“你看看四周,”他说,“你看到那些山蕨和竹子吗?”

6.Bamboos are one of the best biomass materials, which have good properties, quick growth, richness in natural resources, and low price.竹子是性能最好的生物质材料之一,其生长迅速、材料来源广泛,成本低廉。

7.of running water gently beating down on pebbles or bamboos can uppft one's spirits AS it symbopses a vital source of pfe.流水轻拍卵石或竹子的温柔韵律,象征生命的重要泉源,也能够提神养气。

8.In the third year, the seeds of bamboos remained the same and I still did not give them up.第三年,竹子的种子仍然没有长出任何东西,但我不会放弃。

9.All of these results could be provided the basic references for studying the burpness rate and controlled polpnation of bamboos.这些结果也为研究各竹种的不结实和实行人工授粉等研究提供基本的参考依据。

10.This sword is a vicious cutter, it cuts cartoons, bottles filled with water and bamboos pke a hot knife through butter!这把刀是一个强悍的砍击物,用来切割卡通纸板,装有水的瓶子和竹子就象用热刀切牛油一样容易。