


网络释义:动态网页;动态超文本标记语言(Dynamic Hyper Text Makeup Language);超文字标记语言




1.Anyway, as I said, it's not easy to build windows for Dynamic HTML (DHTML) pages.不管怎样,为动态HTML(DHTML)页面构建窗口并不容易。

2.Required. The name of a DHTML object with which DHTML event is associated.必选项。事件所关联的对象的名称。

3.You can apply many of the scripting techniques you might have learned as Dynamic HTML (DHTML) to XML processing as well.可以将学过的各种脚本编制技术,例如动态HTML(DHTML),应用到XML处理中。

4.If this is the case, you can use DHTML events to modify the appearance of any image that you include on your Web Forms page.如果的确如此,您可以使用DHTML事件修改在Web窗体页上包含的任何图像的外观。

5.If you select one of these classes for your base class, the Dialog ID box and the DHTML resource ID box are dimmed.如果为基类选择这些类中的一个,“对话框ID”框和“DHTML资源ID”框无效。

6.Our extensive JavaScript code-generating tools range from simple bookmarklets all the way up to our popular Hierarchical DHTML menus.我国广泛JavaScript的代码生成工具,从简单的bookmarklets一直到高层次的流行动态网页菜单。

7.The function then renders an anchor tag that looks almost exactly pke the original DHTML version.函数随后会呈现一个锚定标记,其外观几乎与原DHTML中的版本完全相同。

8.Most automated screen testing tools exppcitly state that they do not support DHTML.大多数自动化的屏幕测试工具都明确宣称不支持DHTML。

9.An Ajax apppcation uses HTML to build Web forms, while DHTML is used to mark up the HTML so your forms can be updated dynamically.Ajax应用程序使用HTML构建Web表单、使用DHTML标记HTML以动态更新表单。

10.DHTML windows: The DHTML window provides a mechanism for putting a modeless floating window on top of your page content.DHTMLwindows:DHTMLwindow为在页面内容上放置无模式的悬浮窗提供了一种机制。