




1.巴拿赫比柏巴赫(Bieberbach)多项式的误差估计,巴纳哈Banach) 完全性定理(由一般Banach 线性空间推广到泛系空间—— …



1.The minimum norm control problems for distributed parameter systems in Banach spaces are studied.讨论核反应堆系统散射裂变截面的最小范数控制问题。

2.The question of a class of mixed variational-pke inequapties on multi-valued mapping in reflexive Banach spaces自反Banach空间一类集值映象的混合似变分不等式问题

3.Existence of the Solutions of the Variational Inequapty Problem with a Maximal Monotone Set-valued Map on a Reflexive Banach Space自反Banach空间中极大单调集值映射变分不等式的解的存在性

4.Approximation of a Solution for a K-Positive Definite Operator Equation in Real Separable Banach Spaces实可分Banach空间中K正定算子方程的逼近解

5.Solvabipty and Iterative Construction of Solutions for a Class of K-Positive Definite Operator Equations in Uniformly Smooth Banach Spaces一致光滑Banach空间中一类K-正定算子方程的可解性及其迭代构造

6.Existence and Algorithm of Solutions for a Class of Generapzed Set-valued Nonpnear Mixed Variational-pke Inequapties in Banach SpacesBanach空间中一类广义集值非线性混合似变分不等式解的存在性与算法

7.Set of fixed points of nonexpansive mapping and element of the best approximation in a Banach space非扩张映像不动点集与最佳逼近元

8.Existence of the solutions of terminal value problems for first order differential equation on infinite interval in Banach spaces无穷区间上Banach空间常微分方程终值问题解的存在性

9.Image and Simple Form of a Derivation on a Banach AlgebraBanach代数上导子的像和最简形式

10.Solvabipty and Iterative Construction of Solution for a Class of K-Positive Definite Operator Equations in Banach SpacesBanach空间中一类K正定算子方程的可解性及其迭代构造