




1.虚拟水计算方法是将所有产品和服务的虚拟水virtual-water)含量计算在一起(虚拟水不是真正意义的水,而是以“虚拟”的形式包含 …


1.The concept of virtual water and virtual water trade supply us a strategic instrument to achieve water security.虚拟水、虚拟水贸易概念的提出为我国解决区域水安全问题提供了新思路。

2.Radical thinkers favour sending "virtual water" from wetter parts of the basin to drier parts, in the form of grain and other food.这也是该地区利用水利的主要形式。激进的主张则倾向于将“虚拟水”以谷类及其他粮食作物的形式从湿润地带输送至干燥地区。

3.Estabpsh a "virtual water cooler" by way of instant messaging, team rooms, or other collaboration mechanisms.建立“虚拟饮水机”(通过即时消息)、团队房间,或其他协作机制。

4.The water content required in the production of goods and services is called the virtual water included in goods and services.生产某种商品和服务所需要的水资源量,被称为该商品和服务包含的虚拟水。

5.The water used in the whole process of planting the asparagus, processing the asparagus and packaging the asparagus, is virtual water.种芦笋,加工芦笋,直到形成可以出口的带有包装的芦笋的整个过程用的水,就是虚拟水。

6.But pke any trade, the international commerce in virtual-water crops has distortions and inefficiencies.但是,与任何贸易一样,虚拟水作物的国际贸易也存在扭曲和失效问题。

7.Virtual water seems destined to remain an indicator of distorted allocation for some time to come.在未来一段时间内,虚拟水似乎注定要继续成为一个扭曲的分配指标。

8.The theory of virtual water trade had provided a brand new idea to water management.虚拟水贸易理论为水资源管理提供了全新的视角。

9.Plants gently move to the current of the virtual water.轻轻厂搬迁至目前的虚拟水。

10.In order to understand how to reduce our use of water, we need to measure this "embedded" or "virtual" water, the report says.为了让人们明白该如何减少我们的用水量,我们需要测量出这些“隐藏”或“虚拟”的水。