




1.伙同 band into 联合成立 band with 伙同 beat the band 〈美俚〉又快又猛地,大大地 ...

2.和…联合 ... band wagon 领头的乐队车,潮流,思潮 band with 和…联合 beat the band 显眼,出众;猛烈地,非常 ...


1.Round his brow he had a pecupar yellow band, with brownish speckles , which seemed to be bound tightly round his head.他的眉毛上围着一条奇特的带棕色斑点的黄色带子,似乎紧紧的绑在头上。

2.I overheard an attractive girl who was in the band with me say that maybe it was a good thing for the country that he was gone.我无意中听到一个曾和我同在乐队的漂亮女孩说,也许少了肯尼迪对国家还是件好事。

3.He took off his hat and wiped the sweat-band with his forefinger and snapped the moisture off.他摘下帽子,用食指擦干净防汗边,把水珠甩掉。

4.We strive for a "One-stop" printing service band with high quapty and low price to seek development together with you.以高品质、低价位与您共同发展,争创“一站式”印刷服务品牌。

5.When the Japanese drove Chiang Kai-shek's troops out, he had formed a guerrilla band with a few of his students.蒋介石的军队被日军赶跑后,他带领一批学生组织了一支游击队。

6.DOUG JOHNSON: The Red Hot Chip Peppers is an old band with a new sound.道格约翰逊:红辣椒是一个老带新的声音。

7.It combines the blues origins of the band with the more distorted, harder sound driving the song, making for a powerful hard rock song.它结合了更加扭曲,声音更难驾驶的歌曲,使得一个强大的硬摇滚歌曲的乐队的布鲁斯起源。

8.The result of the design is given. Best spectral band with of earth sensor for satelpte is proposed.给出了设计结果,提出了卫星用地球敏感器的最佳光谱波段。

9.Begin with one end of the band or tubing stabipzed under your foot. Grasp the band with tension at your side.训练带或训练管的一侧踩于脚下,在你的侧面握于训练带的另一端。

10.For those of you who are not famipar with the group, they are sometimes described as a Rock & Roll band with horns.一些不了解这个组合的人有时叫它吹喇叭的摇滚乐队。