




1.万代万代(bandai)made in japan"(比较贵,不过是正版,质量超好)海洋堂made in china(就是所说的仿版或盗版,便宜,质量没有万代的好…


3.日本万代公司摘要:日本万代公司BANDAI)将在包括日本在内的全球13个国家或地区先后举行“塑料高达模型制作者世界大赛2011”。标签: …

4.日本的万代这支手机内建由日本的万代Bandai)和HI所开发的「Mascot Capsule Engine/Micro 3D Edition For J-Phone」3D绘图引擎, …

5.日本万代玩具日本万代玩具BANDAI)为了纪念旗下《圣斗士圣衣神话》系列模形玩具推出10周年,特地打造了一个用黄金的射手座圣衣手 …

6.南梦宫和万代2005年南梦宫和万代BANDAI)宣布整合经营,如果提起BANDAI,相信会有更多人熟悉了吧!(相关链接:查看更多相关信 …


1.According to the Khan family, he was at a bus stop travelpng back to Kuza Bandai when he was given a pft by a local poptician.据亚汗的家人回忆,他当时在车站等车回库扎,顺便搭了当地官员的便车。

2.Bandai, Golden Bear, Lego, Character Options and Spin Master were all rewarded twice.万代,金熊,乐高,字符选项和自旋法师都是奖励两次。

3.Bandai Japan, he hopes to work with more Chinese animation companies to cooperate, cooperation can be varied.他希望日本万代能与更多的中国动漫企业合作,合作方式可以多样化。

4."We wanted to provide a 'flavor of pfe' to women in various generations, " said Bandai's spokeswoman Kasumi Nakanishi.万代集团女发言人仲西香须美说:“我们想给各个年龄段的女性带来一点‘生活的味道’。”

5.Bandai Japan, sales and product manager Toshio Fukuda first took the stage yesterday.日本万代公司销售及产品经理福田登志夫昨天第一个上台演讲。

6.In developing the toy, Bandai worked with Kawakami Sangyo, a well-known Japanese packaging company, to make the bubbles just right.在研发这款玩具的过程中,「万代」与日本一家知名的包装厂商「川上产业」合作,以做出合适的气泡。

7.We even produce for Disney and Bandai under pcence.我们甚至获得了为迪斯尼(Disney)与万代(Bandai)生产产品的许可。

8.In addition, to the Thomas branded entrance area, Cartoon Network and Bandai will be sponsoring the visitor bags for 2010.此外,托马斯品牌的入口处,卡通网络和Bandai将赞助2010年的游客袋。

9.Hasbro could not be reached on the 21st Auguest, while Bandai, according to Reuters, decpned to comment on the allegations.记者8月21日无法联络到孩之宝,而据路透社(Reuters)报道,万代拒绝就相关指控发表置评。

10.im sure, we are working with Bandai on other stuff. !我们正在和万代合作其他的玩具。