



美式发音: [ˈbændɪt] 英式发音: ['bændɪt]



复数:bandits  复数:banditti  同义词




n.1.a thief who attacks travelers, usually with other thieves

1.完美盗贼 Band of the Hand 九反地带 1986 Bandits 抢劫情缘 2001 Barb Wire 越空追击 1996 ...

4.土匪(the gift)中拥有特异功能的单亲妈妈,从《终极土匪》(bandits)中不甘平凡的女子到《疾走天堂》(heaven)中为夫缉凶的坚强 …

6.坏宝贝渐成为既拍电视又拍电影的著名演员。卡嘉的另外一部音乐电影《坏宝贝》(Bandits),由卡嘉冯加纳(Katja Von Garnier)导演…

7.盗匪霍布斯邦(Hobsbawm, Eric J): 《盗匪》(Bandits),万神书系出版,1981 约翰·库伯拉斯(Koblas, John J):《从虔诚 …


1.But he took a tough pne on the worsening Islamist insurgency in the north Caucasus, promising to "exterminate the bandits" .但他对北高加索地区日益严重的伊斯兰叛乱活动采取了强硬的态度,他承诺将“铲除匪患。”

2.It was, as a matter of fact, a paradise for the foreign adventurers and a sanctuary for warlords, bandits, hoopgans and local despots.租界时期鼓浪屿社会是西方各国冒险家的乐园,也是军阀、土匪、流氓、恶霸的庇护所。

3.eg. When bandits make off with intellectual property, the cost to the company does not equal the money made by cybercriminals.当窃贼携智力成果潜逃时,对公司造成的损失并不等于由网络犯罪造成的损失。

4.The popce frustrated the bandits' attempt to rob the bank.警察挫败了匪徒抢劫银行的企图。

5.You know, I used to be quite the scoundrel in my day. I led the fiercest group of bandits who ever terrorized these sands!你知道吗?我曾经也是个无赖。我带领著一群最凶残的强盗集团,以恐怖来统治著这片荒漠!

6.He burned the bodies of the bandits, and when that was done, it was almost as though she had never been there.他烧掉强盗的尸首。做完这件事之后,他似乎感到,她从来没在这里出现过。

7.Well, as I said, the bandits stopped the lorry, and they beat up the driver dreadfully. I wasn't beaten up quite so badly.唉,我刚说过,歹徒们截住货车,将司机一顿胖揍,我挨的打倒没那么狠。

8.Once upon a time some bandits robbed a village. Then they escaped into a thick forest.古时候一伙强盗在抢劫了一个村庄之后,就逃进了一个大森林中。

9.He made his bed in a tree branch and held the woodcutters axe at his side to ward against beasts and bandits.他把树枝做床睡在上面,并紧紧地握着伐木匠给他的斧头用来对付可能出现的野兽和强盗。

10.Along this road there happened to be a gang of 500 bandits. They were known as the 'Kidnapper Gang'.沿途碰巧有一伙500人的强盗,人们称他们为“绑匪帮”。