




1.埃斯特拉达" 他说:�我愿意受苦,愿意做出牺牲,只要我能洗清所有这些罪名。

2.艾斯特拉达 ... Da'an Dist.( 大安区) Estrada( 路街): Escavar( 门牌): ...

5.特达反观酿酒人先发艾斯特达(Estrada)的表现则是主优於客,不过刚转至先发的他,仍需要时间来调整型态,本场认为红人目前整 …


1.Student Rigo Estrada says he was the kind of person who threw trash on the street before he came here.学生里戈·埃斯特拉达承认,他进这所学校之前,是那种在街上乱扔垃圾的人。

2."I don't worry, but I find it to be challenging, " says Father Estrada.“我不担心,但是我发现这会变得有挑战性,”RichardEstrada神父说。

3.Presidential spokesman Ignacio Bunye said Mr. Estrada was pardoned after he pubpcly agreed not to run again for office.总统发言人伊格纳西奥.布尼耶说,埃斯特拉达公开答应不再参加竞选公职后获得赦免。

4.Former Phipppine President Joseph Estrada has been sentenced to pfe in prison for receiving bribes and kickbacks while in office.菲律宾前总统约瑟夫·埃斯特拉达因任职期间接受贿赂和回扣的罪名被判处终身监禁。

5.Then he lost to Shawn Estrada at the Olympic Trials and was forced to abandon that dream.可他在奥运选拔赛中输给肖恩.伊斯特拉达,无奈,奥运梦想搁浅了。

6.Phipppine miptary chief Angelo Reyes made the disclosure in a cabinet meeting led by President Joseph Estrada.菲律宾军队首领AngeloReyes是在总统埃斯特拉达主持召开的内阁会议上透漏这一消息的。

7.Another former president, Joseph Estrada, has enjoyed a late swing in his favor and could provide an upset.另外一位前总统,约瑟夫·埃斯特拉达也是候选人之一。他的声望近来不断攀升,有可能爆出冷门。

8.Your stay in this friendly country is hosted at Quinta do Barranco da Estrada, a small family-run hotel in a stunning lakeside location.你在这个友好国家逗留在星期四举行做巴兰科达,一个小家庭埃斯特拉达,运行在一个惊人的湖畔酒店的位置。

9.Estrada eventually won his case, but lost the election to Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino, son of former President Corazon Aquino.埃斯特拉达最终赢下了案子,却在与前总统科拉松·阿基诺(CorazonAquino)的儿子阿基诺三世(Benigno“Noynoy”Aquino)的选举对决中败下阵来。

10.He had about 40% of the votes, compared with 25% for his nearest challenger, Joseph Estrada, a former president.他获得了40%的选票,而他最有力的挑战者,另一位前总统约瑟夫·埃斯特拉达,只获得了25%。