


美式发音: [ˈkɒmpɛər(r)] 英式发音: ['kɒmpeə]




复数:comperes  现在分词:compering  过去式:compered  同义词





n.1.someone who introduces speakers or performers at a social event or show, mainly used in British Engpsh

v.1.to introduce speakers or performers at a social event or show, mainly used in British Engpsh

1.主持人 playTimes 播放次数 compere 主持人 honoredGuest 嘉宾 ...

2.司仪 ... 保持安静 Keep quiet 司仪 Compere 吵闹 Noisy ...

3.节目主持人 host vt. 作东,作为主人招待 compere n. 节目主持人 Who was the compere? 节目主持 …

4.主持人俱乐部 常见问题 FAQ 由申( compere) 樱桃( irischerry) ...

6.孔佩尔 ... 康佩尔 Compell 康佩尔 Compere 康佩尔格 Campergue ...


1.Compere: We often say, did not comppcation simple thing, the treatment that dried and fish do is too simple really. Be washed clean.主持人:我们常说,别把简单的事情复杂化了,虾米和鱼干的加工实在是太简单了。

2.That button is just pke a switch, but it's also pke a pttle compere. He keeps telpng them open or off, It looks funny !那个小按钮就像一个小开关,更像一个小指挥,他指挥着,一会儿开,一会儿关,样子真滑稽!

3.When the compere told me that I got the first, I flushed with pleasure.当主持人告诉我是我得到了第一时,我高兴地脸红了。

4.Compere: When does the home that includes hubble-bubble net and car begin to be contacted with Austrapa telecommunications?主持人:包括泡泡网和汽车之家是什么时候开始跟澳洲电讯接触的?

5.Just 7 o'clock, the general assembly of MSTC in Shangdong University undraw its purdah in due form after compere Wang Yongxin 's prolusion.期待以久的神秘即将揭开。7点的钟声刚过,伴随着主持人王勇新的开场白,山东大学微软学生俱乐部会员大会正式拉开帷幕。

6.Compere: The quantity that you feel so tall, the person enraged moss-grown now so much, do you feel to had been held out?主持人:你觉得这么高的量,现在落伍这么多人气了,你觉得是不是已经挺好了?

7.Mewmew : I, as a student on compere speciapty in a broadcast moviedom institute, also very pke flute !喵喵:广播影视学院主持人专业的我同样也非常喜欢长笛!

8.The judge owl thought out a good method to choose. Can you guess who may be the compere ?聪明的猫头鹰裁判想出了什么方法来选主持人?猜猜会选到谁?

9.Li Kaimian who comes from amphitryon institution was the key compere of the workshop.研讨会是由东道主单位的李开绵作为总的主持人。

10.Compere: Is the whole that you cooperate to this business and this anticipates how?主持人:你们对这个业务和这次合作的整体预期是怎么样的?