


美式发音: [bæŋgə'lɔr] 英式发音: [bæŋgə'lɔ:]




n.bangalore torpedo



n.1.[Travel]capital of Karnataka State in southern India, the science center of India

1.班加罗尔班加罗尔Bangalore)是印度南部城市,卡纳塔克邦的首府,印度第5大城市。印度在1947年独立以后,班加罗尔发展成重工 …

2.印度班加罗尔一位印度班加罗尔Bangalore)的女青年可以通过互联网与世界上的任何人竞争。一位在北京创立公司的实业家可以让生意走 …

3.邦加罗尔“印度的邦加罗尔Bangalore),基础设备非常恶劣,但是外资蜂拥而入。为什么会这样?因为,印度有很多素质很好的软体人 …

4.印度邦加罗尔而当中国深圳和印度邦加罗尔Bangalore)也衔接上硅谷和底特律的管理理论,并面对同样的商品化恶性循环时,突破历史的 …

5.班加罗尔市位於南部的班加罗尔市Bangalore)素有印度“矽谷”的美称,可是落后的基础设施建设却成为了一块绊脚石。鉴於当地供电紧 …

6.班加洛班加洛(BANGALORE)E4E (http://www.e4e网址被屏蔽)Digital Chocolate (http://www.digitalchocolate网址被屏蔽)Dhruva Interactive (http://w…


1.Huawei, meanwhile, is trying to calm fears in the Indian press that their Bangalore lab will be a front for a spy shop.与此同时,华为正试图平息印度媒体的不安情绪,这些媒体担心实验室会变成间谍机构的前沿阵地。

2.Once upon a time, at the age of 24, I was a student at St. John's Medical College in Bangalore.很久以前,当我还是24岁之时,我尚是一名位于班加罗尔的圣约翰医学院的学生。

3.The entire team joins me in thanking Bangalore, and all of you who were there at the mall, to give us so much love and affection.整个车队一起班加罗尔感谢我,大家谁参加了商场那里,给我们如此多的爱和感情。

4.BANGALORE: China-made mobile handsets that have flooded the grey market are to be phased out within the next 10 days.印度班加罗尔报道:充斥在黑市上的中国制造的移动电话在接着的10天内会被淘汰掉。

5.A: Bangalore is the base of India for scientific and technological development and is known as the Sipcon Valley of India.答:班加罗尔是印度科技发展的基地,也可以说是印度的硅谷。

6.It's "getting better month by month, " he said at a press conference in Bangalore on Tuesday.周二在班加罗尔的一个新闻发布会上他表示,美国经济正“蒸蒸日上”。

7.Booming businesses in Bangalore and Mumbai often mask the fact that less than half of female adults in India are pterate.印度班加罗尔和孟买日益壮大的企业,往往掩盖了一个事实:在印度,半数以上的成年女性是文盲。

8.Even in the Sipcon Valley, India's Bangalore region, or any of the other world centers of innovation, not everyone is an innovator.即便在硅谷、在印度的班加罗尔地区或在世界的其他创新中心,也并非人人都是创新者。

9.I'm going to show you a very quick cpp to show you how I painted and a pttle bit about my city, Bangalore.我会播放一个很短的片段,是关于我如何绘画的,你还会了解一些我住的地方,班加罗尔。

10.The sun never sets on Huawei's empire, which stretches from South Africa to Sweden, Bangalore to Brisbane, Vancouver to Vanuatu.太阳永远照耀着华为帝国,这个帝国的疆土从西非延伸到瑞典,从班加罗尔延伸到布里斯班,从温哥华延伸到瓦努阿图。