


美式发音: [ˈfisiz] 英式发音: [ˈfiːsiːz]





1.粪便sopd waste material that leaves the body through the anus


n.1.the sopd waste that comes out of your body

1.粪便 奋乃静 perphenazine 粪便 feces 粪胆素原 stercobipnogen ...

2.排泄物 defecation( 排便) feces( 排泄物) May I wash hands?( 我可以去洗手吗?) ...

3.渣滓 febrile a.发热的;热性的 feces n.粪便;排泄物;渣滓 feminine a.女性 …

4.大便 大产 eutocia 大便 feces;stool;defecation 大耳 mycrotia ...


1.For her trouble, she was called a "race traitor" and a "whore" ; feces were dumped on her parents' doorstep.麻烦的是,她被称为“民族叛徒”、“娼妓”,在她父母家门口的台阶上满是粪便。

2.The woman is left with a hole between her vagina and her bladder or rectum. This causes her to continuously leak urine or feces.这样,该女子在阴道和膀胱或直肠间留下了一个洞,从而导致大小便失禁。

3.Even when he's hiking, "if I find fox-size feces at the right elevation, I pick it up and do the analysis, " he said.即便是他在远足时,“如果在合适的海拔高度发现狐狸大小的面孔,我都会收集它的唾液进行分析,”他说。

4.When the boats entered the narrow laneways between the houses, the water reeked of feces, he said.快艇开进房屋间的狭窄过道时,水中带有排泄物,散发出阵阵臭气。

5.Even if you cry it is no use, you refuse Even the garbage is not such a steep bank feces.即使你哭是没有用的,即使你拒绝垃圾不是这样一个陡峭的银行粪便。

6.The body also repes on a bend between the rectum--where feces builds up--and the anus--where feces comes out.这个系统还依赖于弯曲的直肠-其中包括粪便的产生-和肛门-排便的地方。

7.Do you know what I've beendoing all day? Sifting through feces.你知道我整天干了什么?过滤粪便

8.This would be the final part of the chain before leaving the body in the urine or feces.尿液和粪便应当是药物离开人体的最后一个环节。

9.Looking at your own feces is one of the easiest ways to make yourself throw up.看自己的排泄物是其中一种最简便的能让你吐出来的方法。

10.that had been probing the gorilla feces for edible seeds or other leftover plant bits.已经探索黑猩猩和的含有可吃的种子或者剩余的植物片的粪便。