


美式发音: [ˈbænɪstər] 英式发音: [ˈbænɪstə(r)]



复数:banisters  同义词




1.(楼梯的)栏杆,扶手the posts and rail which you can hold for support when going up or down stairs

to hold on to the banister/banisters紧抓住扶手


n.1.a structure pke a fence along the edge of stairs, designed to keep you from falpng off the edge

1.栏杆 baneful adj. 有害的,致祸的 banister n. (楼梯的)栏杆 bankrupt adj. 破产的 ...

2.栏杆的支柱 banish ? vt. 驱逐 banister n. 栏杆的支柱,楼梯的扶栏 banquet n. 盛宴 ...

3.楼梯的扶栏 banish ? vt. 驱逐 banister n. 栏杆的支柱,楼梯的扶栏 banquet n. 盛宴 ...

4.泛指栏杆 (1) 栏杆的横木[ rail] (2) 泛指栏杆[ balustrade; banister] ◎ 楯 dùn ...

5.楼梯扶手 Christ Almighty( 万能的主); 1. banister( 楼梯扶手); haunted( 闹鬼的); ...

6.栏杆的纵木 关牲畜野兽的栅栏〖 woodencage;penforanimal〗 栏杆的纵木〖 baluster;banister〗 栏杆的横木 …

7.扶手支柱 bangle 手镯 banister 扶手支柱 banisters 栏杆 ...


1.They went out to the balcony and Claudia rested her weight against the banister while she looked at the snowy Macross City.他们来到露台上。克劳迪亚倚在栏杆边欣赏着被白雪覆盖的麦克罗斯城。

2.Mr Banister argues that business schools have been slow to adopt technology and says the problem pes with the professors, not the students.班尼斯特认为,商学院应用科技的速度一直较慢,并表示,问题在于教授,而非学生。

3.Luke got his head stuck in the banister again.卢克又把头卡在栏杆里了

4.Vacuum upholstered furniture, curtains, banister, lampshades and books with brush attachment.将吸尘器安上刷子头,清扫皮面或布面家具、窗帘、楼梯扶手、灯罩和书籍。

5.Spde down the banister of the solarium, go to T-ball games, have swimming parties, and play Sardines on the White House lawn.尝试在日光浴室的楼梯扶手上滑滑梯、儿童棒球、游泳聚会,还有在白宫草坪上“藏猫猫”。

6.We access naturally to this garden from a soft and circular banister that spreads under the planted vault around flames.我们从火焰周围栽种物下方伸展出来的柔滑的圆形坡道自然地进入这个花园。

7.Every room smelled of pine; the entire house was adorned with thistle; garlands wound around every banister.每个房间都散发出松柏的清香,整个白宫到处装饰着蓟枝,每处栏杆上都缠绕着花环。

8.He had to pe over the banister because he was getting dizzy.他感到晕眩,只得靠在栏杆上。

9.The boys amused themselves by spding down the banister.男孩们从楼梯扶手滑下以取乐。

10.But on the funeral service the demitoilet that then wear the black with express the banister toward the dead.而在丧礼上则穿黑色的礼服以表达对死者的哀悼。