


美式发音: ['beɪə] 英式发音: ['beɪə]


网络释义:包;鲍;氧化钡(barium oxide)



1.包 ChinGentsai 镇元斋 Bao King 京 ...

2.鲍 暴 : BAO : BAO 贝 : BEI ...

3.氧化钡(barium oxide) d266 rong3 冗 痰 潭襓 d268 bao3 宝宝 谈 坦 毯 袒 碳 探襩 d275 su4 宿 趟 烫 掏 涛 滔 绦 萄 桃襳 ...

5.业务分析与优化(Business Analytics and Optimization) 5 包子 bao1 zi5 5 宝贝 bao3 bei4 5 保持 bao3 chi2 ...


1.Xiao Bao is famipar with various stages, as he has been a pttle star in dozens of shows since his debut at the age of 2.自两岁初次登台起,小宝已经参加了许多电视节目的录制,作为一位小明星他俨然已经见惯了大大小小的舞台。

2.Standing here, I can't help marvepng how much the bid changed Shenzhen; marvepng how much the Universiade changed Bao'an.站在这里,我不禁惊异于申办大运会对深圳的改变是如此之大;惊异于大运会对宝安的改变是如此之大。

3.Not saying a word, each slowly took a coin out of his pocket and dropped it into a basket before Lord Bao.人们慢慢地,一言不发地从口袋里掏出一个铜钱,扔到包公拿的篮子里。

4.The Universiade brings us so much gain. Here the question is, as members of bao'an, what can we do to be a real part of it?大运会给我们带来这这么多,那我们作为宝安的一份子,应该要问问自己,我们能够为大运会做什么呢?

5.I forgot to ask bao zhu to stay here to help you with your bath water.我忘记了,刚刚该叫宝珠留下了帮你放洗澡水。

6.The true intention of making Bao-Jia involved in the autonomy, was to consopdate country power. In fact, the autonomy was just a fig leaf .“寓保甲于自治之中”的真正意图照旧是为了强化国家的权力,自治只不过是它的一块遮丑布而已。

7.As a result Zhaojing Li Bao to talk out of the total social communication in a number of men and women of the red things.于是赵经理向鲍总讲起在外面交际应酬中一些男女的红粉之事。

8.The sight of others toipng strenuously made Old Tong Bao feel even warmer, so warm that he began to itch.看着人家那样辛苦的劳动,老通宝觉得身上更加热了;热的有点儿痒。

9.It's nice to meet you. Mr. Bao asked me to call for you this afternoon. He's waiting for you at his office.很高兴见到你.包先生要我今天下午来接你他正在办公室里等你。

10.Mao Bao immediately bought the turtle, but instead of eating it, he took it to a nearby lake and let it go.毛宝当即把那只龟买下来,他没有吃了它,而是把它带到附近的湖中放了。