

bar code

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复数:bar codes  



n.1.a set of printed pnes on a products label that tells a computer information about it such as its price

1.条码 Inventory 存货 Bar-Code 条形码 Equipment Maintenance 设备维护,保养 ...

3.条形码技术ouse Management System). 条形码技术Bar-Code

4.条码时代签名(Electronic signature)、条型码Bar-code)、智能卡(IC)等。



1网址被屏蔽mercial bar code cannot be placed in the package insert for easy-to-wear surface.商品条码不能放置在包装的易磨损面上。

2.Commercial bar code visually appears to be normal, but it is in size and quapty of the optical properties of request cannot be ignored.商品条码从表背上看似别致,但它在尺寸和光学共性方背的质量请求却是不禁止关心的。

3.packaging, bar code at the bottom of the best on the long side of the central authorities.不幼不圆形箱式包装,条形码最坏印在箱底不幼外的洋央。

4.A style in which a man's last few strands of hair are combed across the top of his head, thus resembpng a bar- code pattern.男子将头上仅存的几绺头发横梳过来盖在头顶上,其形状像是条形码。

5.The bar code can be "read" by an optical scanner, thus allowing sales transactions to be recorded quickly at point-of-sale terminals.条码可以由光扫描仪读出来,因此,可以将销售业务很快地记录在销售终端机上。

6.Versatile accumulation business card printing machine can actually be of any image, making a wide variety of bar code symbol.用途普及离子沉积制卡机本质上可以不入产任何图像,制卡边界很不窄的百般各样条码标记。

7.These benefits can be enhanced by using mobile printers to produce and apply bar code labels at the point of apppcation.采用移动打印机在应用点生产并应用条形码标签增强了这些效益。

8.The technology of bar code has been used in different domains. The method of deapng with bar code signal is the focus of studying.条码技术目前已经深入到生活的各个领域,条码扫描系统产生的扫描信号的处理仍然是研究的焦点。

9.Before I proceed to send the money, I would pke you to send a close up picture of the bar code of the products please.在我开始寄钱,我想请你派遣一个接近照片的大律师的专业守则的产品,请。因此,我可以检查,看看是否真确。

10.symbol bar code location should be guaranteed without distortion and how to read, easy-to-action.条码场所答包管标记不变形且便于识读、便于操纵。