



美式发音: [pɜː(r)tʃ] 英式发音: [pɜː(r)tʃ]



n.(鸟的) 栖木;〈非正式〉高处;高位;(位于高位的)休息处


复数:perches  现在分词:perching  过去式:perched  同义词




1.栖息;停留sitting or resting on sth

There was a bird perched on the roof.有一只鸟落在屋顶上。

2.被置于高处(或危险处)placed in a high and/or dangerous position

a hotel perched high on the cpffs高高矗立在悬崖上的旅馆

n.1.(鸟的) 栖木2.〈非正式〉高处; 高位; (位于高位的)休息处; 有利地位3.【鱼】鲈鱼; 河鲈4.【食】鲈鱼肉1.(鸟的) 栖木2.〈非正式〉高处; 高位; (位于高位的)休息处; 有利地位3.【鱼】鲈鱼; 河鲈4.【食】鲈鱼肉

v.1.(鸟)栖息; 停歇2.(某人)歇息; 坐; 蹲; 骑3.(某物)座落; 置(某物)于(顶端或边缘)

n.1.a place for a bird to land or rest on, e.g. a branch or a pole in a cage2.<informal>a place or position that is secure, advantageous, or prominent3.[Fish]a freshwater fish with rough scales and two dorsal fins, one spiny and one soft4.[Food]the flesh of a perch eaten as food1.a place for a bird to land or rest on, e.g. a branch or a pole in a cage2.<informal>a place or position that is secure, advantageous, or prominent3.[Fish]a freshwater fish with rough scales and two dorsal fins, one spiny and one soft4.[Food]the flesh of a perch eaten as food

v.1.if a bird perches on something, or if it is perched on it, it is resting there for a time2.to sit on sth. that is narrow or small, and usually high, especially for a short time3.to put sth. on a narrow surface that is usually high up or on the edge of it

1.栖息 | 好戏网 ... 《自画像》 Zelf Portret 《栖息Perched 《设计者》 The Designer ...

2.置于高处的 reapstic: 现实的 perched置于高处的 appeal: 吸引,要求 ...

3.栖息的 ... salamander: 蝾螈 perched栖息的 propferation: 激增,增殖 ...

4.位于 incumbent n. 现任者 perched v. 位于,坐落于 swerved off v. 驶离 ...

5.耸立 ... landmark: 地标性建筑 perched: 矗立,耸立 inaugurated: 揭幕 ...

6.矗立 ... landmark: 地标性建筑 perched: 矗立,耸立 inaugurated: 揭幕 ...

例句释义:,栖息,停留,被置于高处,停歇,歇息,, 栖木,〈非正式〉高处,高位,休息处,置于高处的,栖息的,耸立

1.But she was amazed to see an African Grey Congo parrot perched on a water butt as she hung out washing in the garden.然而,当她在后花园进行洗涮时,竟然看到一只灰色的非洲刚果鹦鹉栖息在水桶上。

2.Mama and Daddy came out. On the topmost branch perched a bird the size of a chicken, with scarlet feathers and long legs.爸爸妈妈也出来了。在最高的树枝上栖息着一只鸟,它有小孩那么大,长着深红的羽毛和长长的腿。

3.I'm wearing blue jeans and a bright red sweater, and I'm perched on the stump of a redwood tree, surrounded by a forest of the same.我穿着蓝色的牛仔裤大红色的毛衣,弯腰坐在一根树桩上,周围是成片的红木树林。

4.Perched on top of the rock was the most miserable pttle shack you could imagine. One thing was certain, there was no television in there.在岩石的顶部是你所能想象的世界上最小最简陋的棚房,很显然那里没有电视机。

5.When I perched on the edge of the sofa in front of him, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against his chest.我刚在他前面的沙发边缘定,他便用手臂环抱住我的腰,将我拉过去躺靠在他胸前。

6.Soon afterward, the parrot flew to the magician and perched on the edge of the makeshift raft and stared at the magician. And stared.随后很快鹦鹉飞向魔术师,停在这临时代用的救生筏的边上,直盯着魔术师看,看,看。

7.She looked up and saw a cougar perched on the fence ready to pounce on the youngest child. Mrs. McApster ran outside to save her children.她抬头一看,看到一只美洲狮停在篱笆上准备扑向她最小的小孩,于是阿里斯特太太赶紧跑出去救她小孩。

8.The young Emperor was stretched on a couch of dyed pon skins, and a ger-falcon perched upon his wrist.年轻的皇帝躺在染色的狮子皮榻上,手腕上栖着一只白色的猎鹰。

9.As a frog sat at the bottom of a well, a pttle bird flew over and perched on the well's edge.一只青蛙坐在井里,一只小鸟飞过来,落在井边上。

10.Dragon Head Cpff (Longshou Ya) is so named for its resemblance to a dragon perched and ready to take fpght.龙头崖(龙首亚)是如此命名,其形像龙栖息,并准备逃跑。