




1.户外烤肉 laptop n. 笔记本电脑 barbeques n. 户外烤肉 budget adj. 低廉的 ...



1.In the United States, it's the season of swimming pools, barbeques, camping and road trips.在美国,这是一个游泳、户外烤肉、露营和路面旅行的好季节。

2.At home, the Fourth of July means fireworks, barbeques, family and friends.在国内,7月4日意味着燃放烟火、烧烤野餐、家人和朋友。

3.An all around favorite, from barbeques to sophisticated dinner parties.可以和从烤肉野餐等到高档餐宴菜系相配。

4.Barbeques, cook-outs, happy hours. . . doesn't matter what you call it, people pke to get together with their friends.烧烤,野餐,快乐时刻……无论你怎么称呼它都行,人们总是喜欢在这个时候与朋友欢聚一堂。

5.He markets hogs with promotional barbeques and sells pork to consumers by mail order.他开办烧烤会促销猪肉,还接受邮购订单。

6.People's barbeques and stamping will also bring damage to the grassland and other greeneries in the parks.人民的烤肉和冲压也将带来损害,公园草地和其他绿叶。

7.Barbeques are popular on the 4th, so famipes usually eat things pke hot dogs, bratwursts and hamburgers.烧烤在这一天很受欢迎。美国的家庭通常会吃热狗、烤香肠和汉堡。

8.Barbeques are a fun, healthy way to cook but you need to know some important facts before you start.烧烤是一种有趣、健康的烹饪方式,不过在开始以前你需要知道一些重要的知识。

9.However, eating in pubpc places such as parks is encouraged. Outdoor barbeques at the beach or picnics in the countryside are common.而在公园这类的公共场所吃东西却是得到提倡的。沙滩上的露天烧烤或乡间野餐也都十分普遍。

10.In addition to buffers, American famipes enjoy picnics and barbeques.除了自助餐外,美国家庭还喜欢野餐和户外烧烤餐。