



美式发音: [ber] 英式发音: [beə(r)]




比较级:barer  最高级:barest  第三人称单数:bares  现在分词:baring  过去式:bared  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.bare fact,bare truth,bare chest,bare leg







adj.1.仅有的,极少的,勉勉强强的;单,徒2.裸的,裸体的;无遮蔽的,赤裸裸的3.空的,空虚的,无...的 (of)4.无装饰的,朴质的;坦率的;煞风景的5.(织物)穿旧了的1.仅有的,极少的,勉勉强强的;单,徒2.裸的,裸体的;无遮蔽的,赤裸裸的3.空的,空虚的,无...的 (of)4.无装饰的,朴质的;坦率的;煞风景的5.(织物)穿旧了的

v.1.<archaic>The past tense of bear2.to remove something that hides or covers something such as a part of your body3.if you bare yourself or bare your soul, you tell someone your most private thoughts

adj.1.a part of your body that is bare is not covered by any clothes. When someone is not wearing any clothes at all, they are naked or nude; bare walls, surfaces, etc. have no covering or decoration; bare trees or areas of land have nothing growing on them2.containing nothing3.basic, with nothing extra4网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing how small an amount is1.a part of your body that is bare is not covered by any clothes. When someone is not wearing any clothes at all, they are naked or nude; bare walls, surfaces, etc. have no covering or decoration; bare trees or areas of land have nothing growing on them2.containing nothing3.basic, with nothing extra4网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing how small an amount is

1.露出 5. barde( 装甲) 1. bared露出) 2. beard( 胡子) ...

2.裸露 ... 高级 Advanced bared 裸露 century 世纪,百年 ...

3.露出的 bread: 面包 bared露出的 beard: 胡须 ...

4.剥光 ... 1. bared: 剥光 2. bared horse: 毛毡马 ...

5.裸地对原始影像和校正后的影像分别选取城市 ( ur2 ban ) 、 裸地 ( bared ) 、 植被 ( vegetation ) 和水体 ( water)

6.郑诚的拜罗德命运如此奇妙,让我碰到了郑诚的拜罗德Bared) 小拜是杯清淡的Tea,秉性纯良,温和 就像他的名字,我们之间很真诚 也 …


1.With fangs bared and claws ready to attack, she focuses all of her power and girth at taking down the potential threat.露着牙齿、还有准备攻击的爪子,她将全部的力量和整个身体都集中在了打败潜在的威胁。

2.He might inwardly have been grinding his teeth but he bared them into a reasonably convincing smile.他暗中或许一直在咬牙切齿,但表面上却是颇为自信的笑容。

3.She bared her bosom and looked at her arms, so flawlessly modeled, and was instinct with an exquisite caress.她敞开胸怀,又注视着她那完美无缺地塑成的手臂,充满了说不出的怜爱。

4.Laughing, he took a piece of paper from his coat pocket, formed it into a stethoscope, and placed it uncertainly on Liszt's bared chest.他笑着,从他的外套里取出一片纸,把它折成一个听诊器,将他哆哆嗦嗦地放在李斯特裸露的胸膛上。

5.Paced up and down the sands, and bared his head to the east-wind.在沙滩上来来回回,让东风吹着头。

6.As diplomats who have had the pleasure can attest, North Korea's international negotiations tend to be high-tension, bared-fang affairs.正如有幸发言的外交官所证实,朝鲜的国际性谈判正趋于高压,野心渐露。

7."Bobby, as a group of ice cream over her fear of her bared FOR ablation with, " I feel good you you?“波比像捂住一团雪糕,生怕她消融似地答着,”你爱不爱我呀?。

8.You do not know when to send a bared teeth face, my tears will.你不知道当发出一个呲牙的表情时,我的泪便铺天盖地。

9.Imagine me riding on the back of such a powerful beast, its sharp teeth bared in a predatory snarl.想象一下吧,我骑在一只那么强大的野兽的背上,它那锋利的牙齿在狂野的咆哮中显露无疑。

10.Yes. None of us have ever tampered with the fundamental natural order when bared. That would be wrong.对。我们没有人在无聊的时候触犯过基本的自然秩序。应该是哪里弄错了。