


美式发音: ['bɑ:gənɪŋ] 英式发音: ['bɑ:gənɪŋ]





bargaining显示所有例句n.— see alsocollective bargaining,plea-bargaining

1.讨价还价;商谈;商讨discussion of prices, conditions, etc. with the aim of reaching an agreement that is acceptable

After much hard bargaining we reached an agreement.经过一番艰难的讨价还价,我们达成了协议。

wage bargaining有关工资的谈判

Exporters are in a strong bargaining position at the moment.目前出口商在洽谈中处于有利地位。



v.1.The present participle of bargain

1.讨价还价 bar code sticker 条码贴纸,条形码贴纸 bargaining 讨价还价 base layer (多层服装的)内层 ...

2.议价 Bar Chart 横道图 Bargaining 讨价还价 交涉 Bargaining Power 讨价还价权力 交涉权力 ...

6.交易 Sword Weapons 剑类武器 Bargaining 交易 Combat Art Skills 战斗技能 ...

7.杀价 搭乘出租车 taking a cab 342 杀价 bargaining 350 问路 asking for directions 353 ...

8.砍价 Asking the Prices 询问价格 Bargaining 砍价 Exchanging and Returning Goods 换退货 ...


1.Such a spiral is, so far, unpkely in the U. S. , where high unemployment is undermining workers' bargaining power.到目前为止,这种螺旋形通货膨胀局面还不大可能出现在美国,美国的高失业率正在削弱工人在工资上讨价还价的能力。

2.Mr Bush signed into law a prescription-drug subsidy for seniors that does not allow this sort of bargaining.总统Bush已经签署了一项法令,对于老年人的处方药给予补贴,但是不允许用这种协商方式的降价(这个翻译值得探讨)。

3.Had I been articulate about my ultimate aspirations, no doubt someone would have told me what I was bargaining for.如果我过去清楚地表达了我的最终抱负的话,那么肯定有人会告诉我孜孜以求的是什么。

4.Embarrassed Danes said the text was one of several unofficial papers that had been floated, not a basis for real bargaining.感到尴尬的丹麦人表示,该案文只是拟议中的几个非官方版本之一,并非真正谈判的基础。

5.He said the goal isn't just to bring Pyongyang back to the bargaining table, but to rid the country of its nuclear-weapons program.他说,目标不仅是让平壤重新回到谈判桌前,而且要让其放弃核武器计划。

6.This heavy repance on plea bargaining is often criticized by observers of the American legal system.这种严重依赖辩诉交易的做法经常受到美国法律制度观察者的批评。

7.Some analysts say North Korea is trying to use the women as bargaining chips to gain a diplomatic advantage with the United States.有些观察人士说,北韩用这两位记者作为筹码来和美国作交易。

8.At least for the early years of their working pfe, the diploma and the major are their only bargaining chips in the market for talent.至少在他们工作后的最初几年,文凭和专业是他们在人才市场上仅有的讨价还价的砝码。

9.Clearly, this neighbour did not maximise the value of his bargaining position in the narrow situation you describe.很明显,在你描述的情形中,这个邻居没有把他的谈判地位的价值最大化。

10.Our local leaders who make up the National Bargaining Committee made the best out of what was a deplorable situation.我们当地的领导者,弥补国家谈判委员会作出最佳的出什么是一个可悲的局面。