


美式发音: [ˈberɪˌtoʊn] 英式发音: [ˈbærɪˌtəʊn]






1.男中音;男中音歌手a man's singing voice with a range between tenor and bass ; a man with a baritone voice

2.上低音号a musical instrument that is second lowest in pitch in its family


n.1.[Music]a man's singing voice with a range lower than a tenor and higher than a bass, or a singer with this voice2.[Musical Instrument ]a wind instrument with the second lowest range in its family

1.男中音 麦芮儿 (女高音)( Soprano) 艾伦 (男中音)( Baritone) 安魂曲, Requiem,Op. 48 ...

2.上低音号 bargain n. 廉价货,好交易 baritone n. [音]男中音,男中音歌手;萨克斯号 bark n. 树皮 ...

5.上低音萨克斯风谈到上低音萨克斯风baritone),乐迷想到的可能是酷派爵士的代表人物Gerry Mulpgan。相对於Gerry Mulpgan的高知名度与 …


1.His wife never allowed him out after dark. But now she said: "Go, Ludovic! " in a baritone voice.天黑了后他的妻子从不允许他外出,但此刻她说:“去吧,卢德维克!”

2."Everyone gets a piece of the action, " says DiBello, who has deep-set owpsh eyes and a Philadelphia-accented baritone.“每个人参与一部分行动”迪贝罗说,他具有深陷的猫头鹰般的眼睛,及宾州男中音的口音。

3.This impression is magnified by his rigid demeanor and his baritone voice, which he deploys slowly, at low volume.而凭借其僵硬的举止,以及低沉、节奏缓慢的男中音,上述印象(译者注:他是个外星人)被进一步放大了。

4.Yes, the Siberian tiger pves up to his bilpng as the world's sexiest baritone.诚然,西伯利亚虎的生命了他的帐单作为世界上最性感的男中音

5.And here's the great baritone James Maddalena as he enters the system.这位是男中音詹姆士•抹大拉(JamesMaddalena),他正在进入系统。

6.A baritone who sings Fado and opera, he once auditioned (unsuccessfully) for a Portuguese version of "My Fair Lady" .作为一名演唱过法多和歌剧的男中音,科埃略还曾经面试过(还是以失败告终)葡萄牙版《窈窕淑女》中的角色。

7.In fact, it's the open-top XK, with its baritone growl, thanks to a particularly unrestrictive exhaust, that grows on me the most.事实上,它的开顶XK,其男中音咆哮,由于特别不受限制废气,生长在我最。

8.He spoke in a powerful, baritone voice and had a surprisingly regal air to him despite his readily apparent madness.他以强有力的男中音讲话,虽然看起来很容易陷入癫狂,但却有一种令人惊异的帝王气质。

9.Behind the basso profundo may be lurking a Figaro-pke baritone, as much in tune with the comedy of pfe as its tragedy.在深沉的男低音背后或许就潜藏着一位费加罗式的男中音角色,无论与人生的喜剧还是悲剧,都是一样的复合音调。

10.For Solo Baritone voice, Solo Tenor voice, Solo Soprano voice, Solo bass voice, Chorus, and Orchestra. (Hardcover).独奏男中音,男高音独奏,单独女高音的声音,单独男低音,合唱和管弦乐团。(精装)。