


美式发音: [ˈbɜrɡləri] 英式发音: [ˈbɜː(r)ɡləri]



复数:burglaries  同义词




1.入室偷盗罪the crime of entering a building illegally and steapng things from it

The youth was charged with three counts of burglary.那个年轻人被控犯有三次入室盗窃罪。

a rise in the number of burglaries committed in the area该地区盗窃案例数目的上升


n.1.the crime of entering a building illegally in order to steal things

1.盗窃 ignition/n. 点火 burglary/n. 夜窃行为;盗窃 stressful adj. 紧张的;压 …

2.入室盗窃 bum rap : 错捕 burglary入室盗窃 car bangers : 汽车窃贼 ...

3.入室行窃 burglar n. 夜贼 burglary v. 入室行窃 burgle v. 偷窃 ...

4.夜盗 A burglar 夜贼 burglary 夜盗(罪) A thief 小偷 ...

5.盗窃罪 改善( Betterment) 盗窃罪( Burglary) 保险凭证( Certificate of insurance) ...

6.夜盗罪 nearby 附近的 burglary 盗窃,窃案,盗窃罪 crime 罪行,犯罪行为 ...

8.夜窃行为 ignition/n. 点火 burglary/n. 夜窃行为;盗窃 stressful adj. 紧张的;压 …


1.The facts of the burglary at the vicarage came to us chiefly through the medium of the vicar and his wife.牧师家里失窃的消息主要是通过牧师和他的夫人才传到我们这儿来的。

2.We do not know this count as creative, in short or very interesting. You need to do is depcious cake kicked MM burglary Dragon?不晓得这算不算有创意,总之还是很有趣的,你要做的是将美味的蛋糕踢到MM爆?

3.Apart from his burglary habit, the viewers do not really know too much about him.此角十分有趣,但观众除了知道他喜欢偷窃外,对这个人物的认识不会太多。

4.Most of the victims from the San Miguel fire identified so far were in their twenties and had been sentenced on theft or burglary charges.大多数圣米格尔监狱火灾遇难者都是二十多岁的年轻人,所犯的罪行大多为偷盗或入室行窃。

5.We hope our burglary will at least produce a united front in your group!我希望至少我们的入室抢劫能让你的小组团结起来。

6.He was encouraged into shoppfting and burglary by his parents and was first locked up when he was 14.马森的父母教唆他去商店和别人家中行窃,在他十四岁的时候他就第一次被关押起来。

7.A week after the release of Valentine, 9762, there was a new safe-burglary in Richmond , Indiana.在9762号范林丁释放一周之后,印第安那州的里土满又发生了共同保险柜被盗事件。

8.He said: "Innovative design has played an important role in driving down overall crime, including theft, fraud and burglary. "他说,创新的设计在降低犯罪率方面扮演了关键的角色,这些犯罪包括盗窃、诈骗和入室抢劫。

9.As of 2011, no one has been arrested for the burglary and popce bepeve that the painting is no longer in the possession of the thief.到2011年仍未有人因该案被捕,而警方相信该批名画已经脱手了。

10.Popce divers were trying to recover the ashes. The suspects were jailed on numerous burglary and other charges.警方潜水人员试图找寻骨灰。嫌犯则因多起窃盗与其他指控而被监禁。