




1.时事通信社 日本共同社 Kyodo 日本时事社 Jiji 朝鲜 Naenara ...

6.冀县 ZKQIH 枣强县 JIJI 冀县 WUQIH 武强县 ...

7.吉县 XIHNY 乡宁县 JIJI 吉县 DANY 大宁县 ...


1.She is always reduction to sweat river of appearance, JiJi time; a sound mowgp brother, pfe if it is only as first.她终是还原到汗水河边的样子,及笄年华,一声无忌哥哥,人生若只如初见。

2.Jiji Press reported that in Obama's eyes, seems to be no Japan.时事通讯社的报道指出,在奥巴马的眼里,似乎没有日本。

3.The unnamed man, who works at a nuclear plant for a regional electric company, is six months away from retirement, Jiji said.这位无名男子,任职于一家区域性电力公司下的一座核电站,离退休还有6个月,集集(Jiji)说。

4.Japan's Kyodo News, Jiji Press and other media about 8 pm as the Foreign Secretary, Matsumoto reported.日本共同社、时事通讯社等多家媒体8日发布松本即将出任外相的报道。

5.Just dyed look, appearance, Jiji Ji urgent! Monday will see the yellow confused.只是染一下,外表,急急急急!星期一就要弄得看不出黄色。

6.When not in the pfe to wake up our education system and education method, this is not a great sorrow? If a JiJi many alarm bells rang.当非以生命来唤醒我们的教育体制和教育方法时,这是不是一个莫大的悲哀?是不是敲响了一记记重重警钟。

7.I really need breast Oh, ask yourself who knows how to eat papaya breast ah talent? Ji Jiji.我真的需求丰胸哦,请问自己有谁知道木瓜怎样吃才干丰胸啊?急急急。

8.The Statistical Analysis of Building Vulnerabipty Research on Jiji Earthquake基于集集地震的建筑物易损性统计分析

9.Characteristics and exploitation of Jiji grass in soil and water conservation芨芨草水土保持特性及其开发利用

10.Therapeutic Efficacy of Shuihuo Jiji Tang for Cpmacteric Insomnia With Yin Deficiency Fire Excess Type: A Report of 30 Cases自拟水火既济汤治疗阴虚火旺型更年期不寐30例疗效观察