


美式发音: ['bɑ:kə(r)] 英式发音: ['bɑ:kə(r)]






1.(在娱乐场所门外)大声招徕顾客者,拉客者a person who stands outside a place where there is entertainment and shouts to people to go in


n.1.a person or machine that strips bark off trees and logs or prepares bark for tanning2.somebody who stands outside a fair or carnival and shouts out its attractions3.a dog that barks a lot

1.巴克 barge 驳船 barker 剥皮机 barkhausen effect 巴克好森效应 ...

4.巴克码行淬火和研磨,根据1825年驻叙利亚北部地区总领事巴克先生barker)在《兵器制造、研磨及武器出售手记》中记述了大马 …

6.叫客员 ... pawnbroker 典当商 barker 剥树皮工,叫客员 worker 工人,工作者 ...

7.巴克案件 Channel 频道名称 Barker 服务推广频道 Nat Geo HD 国家地理高清频道 ...


1.Barker said he then attempted to rape the girl himself, before she was shot to death by former Pfc. Steven D. Green, Bierce said.比尔茨说,巴克交代在前一等兵史蒂文D。格林将这名女孩射杀前他试图强奸她。

2." You' ll be sorry to hear that Mr. Barker' s passed over, " she said.她说:“你听到巴克先生去世一定会感到惋惜。”

3.Mr Barker said the UK was doing more than any other nation to provide long-term certainty for those investing in the low-carbon economy.巴克先生说,在为对低碳经济做出投资的人士提供长期利益确定性方面,英国走在各国前面。

4.The boat is indeed named for the former host of "The Price is Right" Bob Barker who donated milpons of dollars to the Sea Shepherd Society.该船是以“价格猜猜看”节目主持人鲍勃·巴克的名字命名,他为海洋看守保护协会捐款数百万美元。

5.Being with your dog makes you feel good, and Dr. Sandra Barker is trying to find out why.和你的狗待在一起会让你感到舒适,不过桑德拉·巴克博士要究其所以然。

6.Sandra Barker: We're trying to find out what's really physically going on, is there a physiological benefit that folks are getting?桑德拉·巴克:我们正努力找出此时人在身体上会有什么变化。在生理上人们会从中得到益处吗?

7.The invention relates to a toothed roll barker used for log barking in paper-making and man-made board industries.本发明涉及一种在造纸、人造板行业中用于原木剥皮的齿辊式剥皮机。

8.Another star recruit is Angus Barker, who was lured away from UBS to head the bank's financial sponsors unit.另一位加盟的明星银行家是从瑞银集团挖来的安格斯•巴克(AngusBarker),担任该行财务顾问业务主管。

9.VN: You also nominated Barker for his Honorary Doctorate degree from Drury. What compelled you to take that step?素食新闻:你同时授予巴克以杜利大学荣誉博士学位,是什么驱使你这么做的?

10.Barker persisted, however, amassing evidence of the connection between birth weight and heart disease in many thousands of individuals.但巴克仍然坚持己见,并不断地收集了成千上万人出生体重及其心脏疾病史的资料。