




1.拓扑肖普 Tom Ford 汤姆•福特 Topshop 时尚品牌 Vlentno 华伦家 ...

3.英国 ... 日本时装集团 WORLD GROUP 英国 Topshop 里加幼儿园 kindergarten in riga ...

4.拓扑肖普品牌服饰店 PATTERNED STAMP 外套 Topshop 圆形拼接太阳镜 Jules Smith 冲浪潮流手镯 ...

7.俏皮复古的时尚 Vivienne Westwood X Comic Repef (图片更新) Topshop 俏皮复古的时尚 Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2011 爱丁堡艺穗节 ...

8.暂未知官方中文译名 【MANGO 芒果】 【TOPSHOP 暂未知官方中文译名】 【YISHION 以纯】 ...


1.She was featured recently in a commercial for designer Christopher Kane's pne of clothing for British retailer Topshop.她最近在特色商业的设计师克里斯托弗凯恩的路线为英国的服装零售商拓扑肖普。

2.Russian shoppers in a Moscow branch of high street chain Top Shop were the first to road test the technology.俄国的购物者们在欧洲时装品牌TopShop位于莫斯科的旗舰店首次体验了这项新科技。

3.Topshop has also previously designed for Natasha Khan of Bat For Lashes when the band supported Radiohead.拓扑肖普曾经还为蝙蝠乐堆的娜塔莎可汗设计睫毛当这个乐堆支持收音头乐堆时。

4.Much of her earnings last year came thanks in part to a design deal with TopShop.去年她的大部分收入来自于同时尚品牌Topshop的设计合同。

5."Go to Topshop and find out, " I usually say, which is not meant to be obnoxious but honest.“去Topshop就知道了,”我通常会这么回答。这不是想惹她们不痛快,而是在说实话。

6.The owner of Top Shop and Bhs, Sir Phipp Green, ranks third in the UK and 105th globally with $4. 8bn.Topshop和Bhs的老板PhippGreen爵士以48亿美元的个人财富排在英国第三,全球105位。

7.My uniform was a white top and cerise tube skirt that I bought in Topshop, dyed a patchy shade of grey, and wore rolled as high as possible.我当时的校服是我在TOPSHOP买的白色的顶帽和淡红色的筒裙,还要染成斑驳的灰色阴影,穿尽可能高的圆领。

8.Sorry I am writing this blog in Engpsh. . . coz I'm very very tired. . . shopping. . . TOPSHOP ROCKS! ! !真是抱歉我在用英文写这篇博客……因为我非常非常累……购物……顶级商店大破产!!!