


美式发音: [ˈbɑrkp] 英式发音: [ˈbɑ:kp]





1.巴克利 海博( Heppell, Michael) 巴克莱( Barkley, Russell A., 1949- ) 李威( Lévy, Janine) ...

4.巴克利医生 ... d1994830715 K 大 barkley 小廖 ...


1.In a party, someone had a quarrel with Karen, Barkley and Denys settled it for her.有人找卡伦寻衅,巴克利和丹尼斯帮助她解决了纠纷。

2.Who knows, but it's only a matter of time before Barkley has something else critical to say about James and the Heat, bank on it.谁知道呢,但确信的是,巴爵士下一条对勒布朗和热的言论只是时间问题,等着吧。

3.Like Charles Barkley. He was a power forward, right? He was the size of a small forward. But, he did what he did great!就像巴克利。他是个大前锋没错吧?但是他只是小前锋的身材,但是他依旧在大前锋位置上干得很出色。

4.In his first few years, he made trades for Charles Barkley and Scottie Pippen to give a team led by Hakeem Olajuwon even more experience.在刚开始的几年中,他就用巴克利和皮蓬交换来了更具经验的奥拉朱旺;

5.As Charles Barkley recently said, "The one team that I think puts fear in the bottom of your heart is the Dallas Mavericks . "就像查尔斯-巴克利说的那样,“如果有一只球队能让你打心底里害怕,那就是达拉斯小牛。”

6.Convince Charles Barkley to take opponents out on the town and offer to pick up the tab.说服查尔斯-巴克利带着对手离开这个城市并在吧台上付账(黄金俱乐部?)

7.Barkley once again chastised LeBron's words, saying he made another "stupid decision" .巴克利又一次批评了勒布朗的言论,说“你做了有一个愚蠢的决定”。

8.Catherine Barkley is the heroine of Hemingway s novel A Farewell to Arms, who always arouses pterary critics controversial opinions on her.海明威的长篇小说《永别了,武器》中的女主人凯瑟琳·巴克莱一直都是评论界争议的人物形象。

9.It would be good if you could get them to me by Thursday afternoon, Ms. Barkley.你最好能在周四下午以前把它们交给我,巴克利女士。

10.Between ambulance trips to evacuATion posts AT the front, Henry called on Miss Barkley.亨利经常要开救护车到前方疏散点去,从前方回来时他就去找巴克利小姐。